
Great news — the Senate just confirmed President Biden’s two nominees for the USPS Board of Governors!

This couldn’t come at a more important time. Since the 2020 election, Trump’s handpicked Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has worked to dismantle the U.S. Postal Service from within.

At a time when Americans are struggling, DeJoy has helped lead efforts to make our mail delivery slower and more expensive — everything from ballots to lifesaving medications. And that’s on top of an FBI investigation and allegations of multiple ethics violations.

We can’t stay silent while Trump’s Postmaster General destroys the USPS as we know it. So we want to hear from you: Do you support replacing Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General?


The USPS Board of Governors has the authority to fire DeJoy — who left his post as RNC Finance Chair to run the Postal Service at Trump’s personal request.

We need a Postmaster General who’s ready to roll back Louis DeJoy’s disastrous cuts and save the USPS.

Thank you for your input,

Defend the Senate