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Dear Friend,

JXN Fest just got cancelled. The three day event would have seen some top international artists perform in our state capital.
It is not 100 percent clear why the event got pulled, but ‘security’ has been cited as a factor.
Maybe you weren’t planning on attending the event? You should still be concerned. To me this shows how uncontrolled crime impacts everyone, even those not directly involved.
When the criminal justice system is dysfunctional, civic society frays. When there are shoot-outs at Mudbug Festivals, other events get cancelled. The bad drives out the good.
As Mississippi’s conservative think tank, we published an action plan to combat crime this week. You can download your copy here:

The good news is that the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker are taking action. I have also been very encouraged to hear about the new Hinds County DA. 
To me the single most important action taken so far is to have the Supreme Court appoint judges to clear the court backlog in Jackson. 
The Mississippi Center for Public Policy is located in downtown Jackson. This city is our home.
Since we started to push for these five key reforms, I have been overwhelmed by the response and encouragement. Over 85,000 folks now get our weekly newsletter, and many of you feel passionately about this issue. We do, too.
I will continue to keep you updated as we push for change. There is nothing inevitable about higher crime!
Have a great weekend!

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
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