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Happy Friday! 

If you're like me, you probably have a lot of exciting things happening in your week. Whether it's work, school, kids, or hobbies, this is a busy time of year for many of us; and the weekend is always a breath of fresh air. 

With so many things to see and do in your week, it can be hard to find time to engage in politics. Here at Team Becky, we think engaging in politics should be fun, easy, and something you could do on your weekend! 

Our #LetsDoIt campaign is showing Utahns that political engagement can be easy! If you're looking to get involved, check out this weekend's actions to help get out the vote, so you can say TGIF while making a difference.  

We only have six weekends left until the Republican primary and three weekends until ballots drop into mailboxes! Looking for more ways that you can make an impact, no matter what day of the week? Here are four things that you can do:
1. Make a plan to vote
Those who are new voters or unaffiliated can register as Republicans online at through June 17th, or register in person at the time of voting. Ballots will begin to be mailed out on June 7th. Make a plan for how you intend to cast your ballot. If you choose mail-in ballot voting, place your ballot in a safe place and pick a date that you will fill out and mail it in.

2. Put out a yard sign
Place one at your home, your business, or in an appropriate location in your community! You can request a yard sign here.

3. Make a donation
We've seen wonderful support throughout the state by way of donations. The smallest amount helps. Donate here!
4. Share our message with your friends and neighbors
We have a wonderful social media presence that is fun and easy to pass around. Talk with the people in your social circles. Invite them to join our newsletter!

In other news, we had a fantastic evening at the LoveLoud Festival over the weekend! The inspiring words from local artists, activists, and community members kept our spirits high all week. I had the pleasure of speaking with Imagine Dragons singer and LoveLoud founder Dan Reynolds, who shared the message that "One of the most important things you can do is vote," and I couldn't agree more. 

Thank you to everyone who attended and took the time to chat with me! LoveLoud never fails to bring our community together, and I hope we can all spread Dan's message as we prepare for the primary election! 

I had the lovely opportunity of speaking with fourth-graders at Samuel Morgan Elementary about state and local government! They may not know words like bicameral, fiscal, or legislation, but these future leaders sure know how to work together. 

We got excited about voting with new and future voters! We spoke with 17 and 18-year-olds to ask them why it was important to vote, and let me say, I'm excited and encouraged by the change they will bring this election season. Hear our chat with them on Instagram! 

As always, thank you for your support. With just 39 days until the primary, I hope the warm weather will get you out into your community so you can get voters out to the voting booth. Have a great weekend! 


Becky Edwards for U.S. Senate

P.O. Box 1467
Bountiful, UT 84011

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Paid for by Becky Edwards for U.S. Senate.