Tell your candidates why diabetes matters
Diabetes and mental health - time for change
Hi John,

There's not long to go until the general election. In just over two weeks, you'll be voting in your area to choose your next MP. And we need to make sure diabetes is on the agenda.

It'll only take a minute to contact your candidates but it can have a big impact. Please tell your candidates why diabetes matters to you and ask what it means to them.
Email your candidates
If your candidates get back to you, please let us know by emailing [email protected] We'd love to send them more information about how they can make a difference.

Thanks for all your support,

The Campaigns team
Diabetes UK


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Diabetes UK is the operating name of the British Diabetic Association, a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 215199) and in Scotland (no. SC039136) A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales (no. 339181) VAT registration No. 232 3801 96. Registered office: Wells Lawrence House, 126 Back Church Lane, London, E1 1FH.

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