Thursday, November 28, 2019


Friend --

On this Thanksgiving Day, we’re thankful for you. Because of Bullsugar supporters like you, the fight for clean water has only gotten stronger.


Much of what we do would not be possible without the support we receive from all across Florida and even beyond the confines of the state.

This year, thanks to your support and participation:

We finally have leaders at the highest levels willing to acknowledge and combat the corruption and mismanagement destroying this precious public resource and threatening public health.

We finally have a water management district that’s putting people before special interests and using sound science to help make informed water management decisions in the best interests of human health and the environment.

We have thousands of voices on record providing feedback and raising concerns to help drive the Army Corps of Engineers’ development of a new Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual that would prioritize public health and safety and improve the management of Lake Okeechobee.

Our fight isn’t over, and with a critical election season on the near horizon, we are thankful for all of you who have stayed involved and informed. Now more than ever, we are going to need you to stick with us to demand responsible management of our water. 

Help power our continued work with a donation to!

We couldn’t be more grateful.


P.S. Please help us build on everything we've accomplished and become a Bullsugar member today! And thanks to the generosity of our partners at Patagonia, all donations received by our affiliate organization Friends of the Everglades, will be matched in full starting tomorrow through the end of the year! Click here to see more details.


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