From CT Democrats <[email protected]>
Subject Help us stop anti-abortion Republicans in Connecticut
Date May 20, 2022 7:47 PM
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Governor Lamont and our state’s Democratic majorities just took action to fortify reproductive freedom in Connecticut, but anti-abortion activists think Republican Bob Stefanowski is their best chance at undoing these rights.

John, abortion rights are on the ballot this November, and we need your help moblizing support for Governor Lamont and every other pro-choice Democrat in Connecticut.

See our team’s original update below about the important decision Connecticut voters have to make this November, then donate whatever you can to help us ensure that pro-choice Democrats succeed up and down the ballot: [[link removed]]DONATE NOW [[link removed]]

Original Message from the CT Democratic Party:
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John, with the U.S. Supreme Court on the verge of overturning Roe v. Wade, Connecticut voters have a very important decision to make this November.

Do they support Governor Lamont, who just signed a new law passed by our state’s Democratic majorities to make Connecticut a safe harbor for reproductive freedom?

Or do they support Republican Bob Stefanowski, who anti-abortion leaders reportedly see as their best potential ally in decades?

The Connecticut Democratic Party is making our choice clear: we’re going to do everything we can in the weeks and months ahead to help Governor Lamont and every other pro-choice Democrats on the ballot win in November.

If you’re with us, donate $10 today to help us mobilize voters across Connecticut in support of pro-choice Democrats up and down the ballot: [[link removed]]DONATE NOW [[link removed]]

As the CT Mirror reported last week, Bob Stefanowski “promised not to personally seek changes restricting an adult woman’s access to abortion without saying if he would oppose or veto them.”

Stefanowski has also refused to take a position on the new abortion protections that Governor Lamont just signed into law, and next month he will host a fundraising event with one of the country’s most extreme anti-abortion governors, Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, who applauded the Texas abortion ban and said he’s working on “pro-life” plans for Nebraska.

Connecticut Democrats have worked hard to fortify abortion rights in our state, and we can’t allow a Republican like Bob Stefanowski to jeopardize our hard-won freedoms.

Chip in now to help us support pro-choice Democrats up and down the ballot this year — any amount that you give helps us mobilize more voters ahead of this critical election: [[link removed]]DONATE NOW [[link removed]]

Thank you for taking action,

Connecticut Democrats
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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