John: Thanks for joining our team! I’m Renée Hopkins, CEO of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility. It’s our mission to help pass and implement commonsense policies that will save lives and end the gun violence epidemic. Right now, our work is more important than ever.
In America today, no one is ever truly safe from gun violence. Teenagers walking home from school, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Young mothers killed by domestic abusers who shouldn’t have been able to access a gun. Toddlers killed for their curiosity because a firearm was kept unlocked and within arm’s reach.
Everywhere we go – movie theaters, houses of worship, homes – the threat of gun violence follows. Last year, 113 people died just for going to school – the deadliest year on record for school shootings. What makes this situation even more enraging is that we know there are ways to reduce gun violence with commonsense gun safety reforms.
But for far too long, the gun lobby – led by the NRA – has controlled the nation's gun policy. Bill after bill died in Congress, and "thoughts and prayers" became a phrase for our lawmakers' inability and unwillingness to do a single thing to end this crisis.
But that's changing. Young people – led by survivors of 2018's Parkland shooting – are demanding action, because they don't feel safe at school or in their communities. Gun safety is now top of mind for voters – and politicians are taking notice. Because if they don't, they know we're going to vote them out.
The Alliance fights every day to elect lawmakers who will stand up and fight for commonsense gun safety laws, but we're more than just talk: We fight for innovative grassroots-powered policy solutions that address this crisis when our legislators won't.
In recent years, we've passed universal background checks for gun purchases (I-594), Extreme Risk Protection Orders (I-1491), and commonsense restrictions on semi-automatic assault rifles (I-1639) in Washington State, and that's just the beginning. All across the country, other states are modeling their gun safety laws off ours. Using our policy as their guide, they're taking action to protect their communities and help save lives.
Step by step, we're taking on the gun lobby and winning. And it's the help of supporters like you that keeps us fighting. We're so grateful to have you on our side, and we can't wait to see what we can accomplish together.
Thank you for joining this team. Now, let's get to work.

Renée Hopkins
CEO, Alliance for Gun Responsibility