Including Conference Highlights & Upcoming Events
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At our recent Spring Conferences, we welcomed 33 schools from across the country. Parents, educators, and most importantly, students shared ways their schools are supporting well-being and engaged learning as well as their goals for next year.
One of the most valuable sessions was a reflective process wherein teams shared with each other, focusing on what they tried, which strategies were successful, what didn’t go as planned, and how they’d like to move forward. 97% of teams reported identifying 1-2 actions to keep working on, and 93% left feeling motivated to use new tools or knowledge. In this newsletter, we share some of their ideas as well as resources to help you reflect and recharge as an educator and/or as a parent.
Wishing you a restorative and reflective summer,
The Challenge Success Team
"The share out during ‘Looking Back, Moving Forward’ was a relief in that other schools are facing the same issues as ours. The productive collaboration during this session was compelling and the student participation invaluable." -Student Conference Attendee
"I really loved hearing about Challenge Success from other schools because it would also spark ideas about how we can improve our school and implement simpler strategies!" - School Board Member & Conference Attendee
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* “I Wish” campaign for students - led by the school’s parent organization
* No homework on breaks or weekends
* Student-led block party - encouraging relationships between teachers and students
* Using the Challenge Success Time Management Worksheet ([link removed]) as part of the course registration process or have parents complete with the student beforehand
* No-new-instruction Wednesdays - review only
* Parent Walk-and-Talks: time for parents to come to the school and walk around the campus, asking a staff member questions and getting to know the school better
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For Educators: While teaching can be an intensely rewarding vocation, we also know that it is a profession with a high likelihood of burnout. This past year, concerns about teacher burnout are greater than ever, for obvious reasons. With summer break on the horizon, it is a great time to start thinking about how to make the most of this downtime. Read more here ([link removed]) .
For Educators & Students: Get some free exercise with Down Dog’s online platforms. They generously offer free yoga, HIIT, and more for educators and students. Sign up here ([link removed]) .
For Parents: Consider Dr. Denise Pope’s suggested Summer Activities for Teens ([link removed]) , supplement some of the time with summer camps ([link removed]) that build on SEL skills, and most importantly, never underestimate the power of PDF (playtime, downtime, and family time) ([link removed]) .
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AUG 25th at 4pm PT | 7pm ET
Cost: $10
For parents, students, and educators
Learn practical strategies to help reduce unnecessary pressure around the college admissions process and ways to support student’s overall well-being and readiness for life in college and beyond. Can’t attend? A recording will be sent to all registrants afterward.
“I feel much more educated and less stressed about the college admissions process after attending this workshop and learning strategies to better prepare myself.” - Student Attendee
LEARN MORE & REGISTER ([link removed])
Popular posts from our Facebook and Twitter Feeds. Click the icons below to follow us.
How to Quit Intensive Parenting ([link removed]) | The Atlantic
This hair-braiding class for dads is so popular there’s a wait list ([link removed]) | The Washington Post
Students Have Different Thinking Speeds. Inclusive Teaching Means Realizing That ([link removed]) | EdSurge
Learning the Right Way to Struggle ([link removed]) | The New York Times
The Way American Parents Think About Chores Is Bizarre ([link removed]) | The Atlantic
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JUNE 16th at Stanford University or JULY 28th Virtually
For educators, counselors, and administrators
Registration is open for our one-day Summer Leadership Seminars ([link removed]) . This PD, designed for educators, counselors, and administrators at the school and district level, includes a variety of foundational professional development workshops from Challenge Success as well as opportunities to network and connect with fellow educators.
LEARN MORE & REGISTER ([link removed])
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For schools ready to dig deeper into the change process, applications are also open for our 2022-23 School Program ([link removed]) . Schools can also contact us to learn more at
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected]) .
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Transform the Student Experience
** Challenge Success ([link removed])
partners with schools, families, and communities to embrace a broad definition of success and to implement research-based strategies that promote student well-being and engagement with learning.
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