Hi John,

Mike Garcia has made a lot of terrible votes during his time in Congress, but this latest one has really got me fuming.

He joined 191 of his fellow Republicans to vote against a bill to address the critical baby formula shortage and put food for infants back on shelves. For the life of me, I cannot fathom this level of callousness for the well-being of children. For the party that claims to be “pro-life” their actions really prove the opposite.

Republicans like Mike Garcia are more interested in playing dirty political games than finding solutions that will help families thrive. Frankly, I’m pissed off. Enough is enough.

This vote is a moral outrage. We need to hold Mike Garcia accountable for his cruel and cowardly actions, by voting him out in November. Donate $5 or more and let's get it done. >>> We know Mike Garcia and his extreme Republican allies will spin this using every cheap political tool in the book. But when it's all said and done, it's clear they have no interest in getting to work to solve our nation's crises.

Mothers, families, and babies don't have time to wait around for the GOP to get a moral compass, we need action now. I'm thrilled this legislation passed in the House, and I hope the Senate will take immediate action to send this crucial legislation to the president's desk. If it does, it will be no thanks to Mike Garcia.

We can’t afford to let Mike Garcia stay in office a moment longer.

Donate $5 or more at this critical moment ahead of the June 7th California primary to make sure Mike Garcia doesn't get to take one more vote against families of CA-27. >>>

Let's go,
