Team —

Today is a day of remembrance, a time to spend with loved ones, and an opportunity to give back to our communities.

So as we settle down to eat Thanksgiving meals and enjoy the company of our families and friends, I encourage everyone to acknowledge our nation’s past and learn more about the people who first called this state and nation home.

While we can never undo our wrongs, we can work together to build bridges, tell the truth about our past, and begin to heal.

While we pause to reflect on this history, it's also important to celebrate everything we’ve accomplished so far this year.

Together, we have made great strides to give everyone a fair shot at the California Dream. Such as:

  • Enacting the strongest renter protections in the nation
  • Making healthcare more accessible and affordable
  • Removing barriers to reproductive health so that every woman, no matter where they live, has access to the care they need
  • Increasing the quality of education our students receive so everyone has the chance to succeed

I’m so thankful to have you by my side as we continue to make California a place for all. We have lots of work left to do, but for now, I wish you a safe and happy holiday!

— Governor Gavin Newsom