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This design element acts as the email header. It features PEAK's logo above a blue rectangle. In white text over the blue rectangle, it reads PEAK Weekly.
This digital art image shows 8 people in a circle, holding hands. They are over an orange, shell-patterned background.


Celebrating PEAK’s AAPI Community

In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, PEAK's AAPI Caucus cochairs Jina Song Freiberg, Anna Huynh, and Sheryl Saturnino reflect on the activating power of this peer group and the potential it has to reshape giving practices.


PEAK Is Closed Memorial Day Week

To encourage the collective rest and restoration of our team, PEAK’s offices will be closed from Monday, May 30, through Friday, June 4. We hope you enjoy the long holiday weekend, and we look forward to reconnecting and supporting you in your work when we return.

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Upcoming Events

May 24
PEAK’s 2022 Annual Membership Meeting: The Future of Grants Management

May 24
Trust-Based Philanthropy 201 (PEAK Rocky Mountain and PEAK Northern California)

May 26
PEAK AAPI Caucus Meeting

June 6
PEAK Intermediaries Affinity Group Meeting

June 7
How Do You Say No?
(PEAK Southeast)

June 9
Monthly Chapter Chat
(PEAK Northeast)

June 10
Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK New England)

June 14
Informal Coffee Chat
(PEAK Rocky Mountain)

June 23
Collaborative Learning for Collective Action: Advancing Trust-Based Capacity Building


Weekly Reads

“When I bring up white supremacy in meetings or presentations, sometimes I get the feedback of ‘that’s a really heavy term. Is it really applicable to this situation? Can’t we just call it ‘inequity’ or ‘injustice’ or something that won’t turn people off?’ We are a sector terrified of naming things, even as we seek to fight them. But how can we be effective when we refuse to name what we’re fighting?” [more]
Vu Le, Nonprofit AF

“What does it mean when your life’s choices are not determined by your opportunity, are not determined by your academic prowess, but by these arbitrary rules and laws and systems that have been in place since the New Deal, if not before? ... Economic self-sufficiency, full participation, equality of opportunity, and independent living—you can’t achieve those as long as our people live in a state of codified poverty.” [more]
Rebecca Cokley, Ford Foundation, in Inside Philanthropy

“One of the best ways to build wealth is through entrepreneurship. But lecturing people about starting businesses without supporting them with capital and infrastructure is shortsighted. There are differences among starting, starting well, and scaling a business. To be impactful, people of color-led enterprises need both capital and infrastructure support.” [more]
James C.D. Wahls, Revolve Fund, for Philanthropy News Digest

“Committing to transform our communities means that everyone rolls up their sleeves and puts the good of the whole—a shared vision of inclusive prosperity and well-being—above individual organizational mandates and missions. This requires decision-makers in philanthropy to catch up to their staff and partners, embrace new narratives of possibility and inclusive decision-making, invoke new mental models, shift organizational and sector culture, change default ways of viewing and holding power, and take bolder and more community-responsive actions.” [more]
Kate Wilkinson, Open Impact, and Dwayne Marsh, Northern California Grantmakers, for the Center for Effective Philanthropy

This is the Twitter icon in PEAK's teal. It is a circle with a white Twitter bird in the middle.   This is the LinkedIn icon in PEAK's teal. It is a circle with a white IN in the middle.   This is the email icon in PEAK's teal. It is a circle with a white envelope in the middle.
PEAK Grantmaking
1701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006-1242

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