Despite having five local oil refineries in our state, Washingtonians pay a higher price at the gas pump than nearly anywhere else in the country.

That’s why I’m pushing my new bill requiring more transparency and oversight of petroleum markets. Skyrocketing gas prices are a huge burden on Washington households and businesses and they need and deserve protection from artificially inflated prices.

I want to hear from you on this issue. Reply to this email and tell me: How have sky-high gas prices impacted you, your family, or your business recently?

With oil prices topping $100 per barrel, Big Oil has plenty of incentive (and money) to build the necessary infrastructure to help increase supply – instead, they choose to put that money in their executives’ pockets.

I won’t stand by while big oil companies make shady deals to manipulate markets and make an enormous profit while American families suffer.
If the reason for rising gas prices is as simple as the petroleum industry suggests, then executives should have no qualms about increased transparency. – The Columbian Editorial Board

We must shine a light on the situation to expose any anti-competitive dark trading, making sure there aren’t a bunch of smart guys in the room hurting consumers because they think we can’t figure out what is happening when there is a lack of transparency.

Petroleum – gasoline, diesel, jet fuel – is one of our most important commodities right now. We deserve to know the truth behind price hikes and hold any bad actors accountable for exploiting consumers.

Let me know how your life has been impacted by gas prices. Reply directly to this email and share your thoughts.

Thanks for all you do,




Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States