From John Seager <>
Subject Friend, thank you.
Date November 28, 2019 4:04 PM
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Together, we've worked tirelessly over the past year.

Because of you, we are gaining ground in the fight to stabilize global
population. To meet this goal, we will continue every day to advocate
for every person, everywhere, to gain access to the family planning
options and full spectrum of reproductive health care services they
need to decide whether-and when-to become pregnant or have
a child.

Happy Thanksgiving

Your support this year made the following-and
more-possible! With your help, we:


Mobilized nearly 350 activists at our annual Capitol Hill Days
advocacy event in Washington, D.C., with Population Connection
Action Fund. These activists personally lobbied over 150 members
of Congress to repeal Trump's odious Global Gag Rule, to
advocate for dramatically increased U.S. aid for family planning
programs, and to restore funding to the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA).
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Empowered members (like you!) to volunteer at 152 local
community events across the country-from Earth Day
festivals to VegFests, from film screenings to workplace giving
fairs-to spread the message about global population growth
to their friends, families, and neighbors.


Engaged thousands of students and teachers in North America and
abroad through our innovative Population Education teacher
training workshops, original lesson plans, and online student
activities at and


Trained more than 12,000 teachers in 750+ Population Education
workshops nationwide so that they will go on to bring our
original curricular materials into their K-12 classrooms.
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Galvanized thousands of activists across the country to
participate in our hard-hitting advocacy campaign with
Population Connection Action Fund, #Fight4HER, to build momentum
toward repealing the Global Gag Rule.
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I can't thank you enough for standing up with us for basic human
rights-and for preserving Earth's resources for future

In the year ahead, thanks to you and so many other supporters like
you, we'll advocate for increases in reproductive health assistance,
urge Americans to support progressive family planning policies, and
educate tomorrow's leaders about the troubling realities of rapid
population growth. Thank you for making this possible.

I am truly grateful for your generous support-and wish you a
safe and joyous holiday season.

Happy Thanksgiving!


John Seager
President and CEO

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