Hey Friend,
We’re almost six months into the election year, can you believe it? June is just around the corner which means our New Politics team and candidates are hitting the campaign trail for midterms!
I wanted to take a step back and explain what it means when New Politics supports candidates. Many organizations show their support by writing checks. Don’t get me wrong, we do that too, but our definition of support is much bigger than just that…
New Politics is proud to have a team of campaign advisors that travel the country to offer on-the-ground guidance and support to our candidates.
To be clear: No question is a “dumb question” or too small for our advisor team. You name it, we have stepped in and helped advise on it for our candidates. And because of this, they trust that our only priority is ensuring they’re set up for success while staying true to their core values.
This is what makes New Politics unique and something we are very proud of. As more races pick up this year, we have an opportunity to expand our advisor footprint for servant leader candidates ready to put people over politics, but we need your help.
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Most potential candidates don’t even know how to register themselves to run, and when you consider that millions of dollars are being poured at the national level into local races, deciding to run can be intimidating.
That’s why we send our experts to candidates getting started on their campaigns pro bono.
So whether our servant leaders are trying to get a sense of how to lay the groundwork for a run in 4-5 years or urgently looking for a staffer for their primary campaign
right now, New Politics helps candidates in all 50 states build a successful effort that’s authentic to their leadership mission and core values.
We promise to put our energy, time and resources behind the next generation of leaders so they have the tools they need to win and lead. Are you in?
Take care,
Tiffani Sykhammountry
Director of Development