Good afternoon friend,


This week we hit 100,000 signatures on our government petition to legalise assisted dying. This has secured our next debate in the House of Commons - so we need to think big to re-engage MPs ahead of this milestone.


My name’s David, and I’m Dignity in Dying’s Director of Fundraising. I’ve been crunching the numbers and to keep up the campaign’s current momentum, we need you. 1,000 of you, to be precise. With your support Friend, we can change the face of dying in the UK. Will you stand with dying people in need of choice and join Dignity in Dying as a member today?


Opponents are threatened by our success. Anti-choice MP, Danny Kruger, was quoted in the Daily Mail this week claiming that our crowdfunder for social media ads raising awareness of the petiton was an attempt to “buy the debate”. 


Aside from the patronising idea that signatures can be “bought” - fundraising is a legitimate and democratic way to campaign for change. Dignity in Dying’s funds come from people just like you. People who feel passionately about a change in the law. People who know first hand the cruel consequences of the status quo. Anti-choice campaigners are taking tactics straight from the US religious right's playbook in trying to discredit us.  


We won’t let them - and I know you won’t either. Please play your part to defend choice and become a Dignity member today.


I so appreciate everything you’ve done to support the campaign so far - every conversation with friends, every letter to your MP, every donation. But to secure the long term impact of our work, we need to secure a reliable income too. As little as £2 a month can make a difference.


Thanks for standing with us. 




David Pearce

Director of Fundraising and Marketing

Dignity in Dying


P.S. If you are already a member, thank you for your generous support and commitment to the campaign. Feel free to disregard this email. 


Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:


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181 Oxford Street
London, England W1D 2JT
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