Dear friend,
Get your calling fingers ready. It's time to get EQUAL!
On Monday, May 23, FAMM is leading a national call-in day in support of the EQUAL Act, the bipartisan bill to end the disparity between federal crack and powder cocaine sentences. The bill is awaiting a vote in the Senate — and we want your senators to hear from you!
Here's how you can help: Call 844-899-8819 and urge your senators to pass the EQUAL Act.
You can use the script below to assist you:
Hello, my name is your name and I am calling to urge your senators to support the EQUAL Act. Crack and powder cocaine are two forms of the same drug. There is no reason to treat them differently when sentencing someone. It doesn’t make us safer and it hurts families, especially Black families. Law enforcement, justice reform, and civil rights groups have come together to support the EQUAL Act. I urge you to do the same. Thank you for your time.
We will be joined on Monday by our allies at the ACLU and Dream Corps JUSTICE. We hope that the phones don't stop ringing in the Senate and that our leaders get the message: Pass the EQUAL Act now!

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM