FDA's dog testing red tape

Dear Taxpayer,
Thanks to you, White Coat Waste (WCW) Project is making extraordinary progress in our campaign to Cut FDA Red Tape.
Our goal? End the 80-year-old Food and Drug Administration mandate that forces white coats at drug companies to experiment on 20,000 beagles each year.
Just LOOK what FDA Commissioner, Dr. Califf, said at yesterday's Congressional hearing:

Taxpayer, government red tape kills.
But because of your donations and advocacy, the FDA Commissioner now says he wants to make cutting wasteful animal testing a top priority this year!
His testimony comes shortly after WCW Project rallied thousands of liberty-lovers and puppy-lovers like you to tweet at him:

It also follows our landmark investigation into white coat abuse at red tape labs:

And it comes just days after we took Beesly — the beagle who survived an FDA Red Tape lab — to lobby Congress herself.

You’re pretty powerful, Taxpayer.
And as long as we have you on our team, we’ll save 20,000+ more puppies like Beesly.
You give. We win. They survive,

Anthony Bellotti
President & Founder
White Coat Waste Project