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Just News

for May 20, 2022

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at

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Next Generation Of Community Development Leaders: Join NCRC For The Emerging Leaders Reception At The 2022 Just Economy Conference
NCRC invites young professionals to join us for the Emerging Leaders Reception, Monday, June 13, 2022, from 5 to 6 pm ET in Washington, DC, during the 2022 Just Economy Conference. NCRC’s Emerging Leaders Reception is a networking event for young professionals from across the country pursuing a career in the community development field. [Register here]

2022 Advocacy Week Policy Agenda
Our 2022 Advocacy Week Policy Agenda serves to prepare attendees of NCRC’s Advocacy Week to meet with their members of Congress during our Just Economy Conference. It is a call to action on three core issues, discussed in detail below: strengthen and expand the Community Reinvestment Act; strengthen Section 1071 of ECOA; and provide full and equitable funding for community investments (including housing). [Download the agenda here]


New FedNow Rules Lack Fraud Protection
The final FedNow rules announced today by the Federal Reserve Board lack protection against scams and fraud, which, if unaddressed, could leave consumers exposed when the payment service launches next year, warns advocates at the National Consumer Law Center, National Consumers League, and National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC). [Read more]

NCRC Hires Alisha Felder As Director Of Human Resources And Administrative Services
Meet Alisha Felder, the new Human Resources and Administrative Services Director at NCRC. Alisha will be critical in leading the HR department’s day-to-day operations. Alisha brings over 15 years of experience in human resources and administrative operations, and comes to NCRC from her most recent role as an Operations Director, where she led Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts and unearthed internal inequities. [Read more]


Combating Racism And Inequality In America With Democratic Ideals And Advocacy
By Josh Silver
NCRC Senior Advisor Josh Silver gave the following remarks in a keynote address at Building Alabama Reinvestment’s annual conference on May 12, 2022. [Watch video here]

Field Notes

NCRC Member Profile: HomesteadCS
By Marie Morse 
NCRC’s membership includes more than 600 community-focused organizations in 44 states. Here’s an introduction to one of them, HomesteadCS in Lafayette, Indiana, from their Executive Director, Marie Morse. [Read more]


UNC Greensboro’s Racial Equity In Homeownership Symposium
June 3, 12 - 2 pm ET

Join NCRC’s Senior Research Analyst Bruce Mitchell Ph.D. for Part I of a two-part series on home ownership – “Racial Equity in Home Ownership.” They’ll be talking about disparate rates of home ownership, the income gap between Black and white families, historical disinvestment in Black communities, access to credit, and the burden of student loan debt, and will consider policy solutions and best practices. [Register here]

2022 Just Economy Conference
June 13-14

Less than a month until the 2022 Just Economy Conference, the national event for community, policy, government, business and foundation leaders working toward a just economy that not only promises but delivers to all Americans opportunities to build wealth and live well. We want to see you there! [Register here]

In the News

Bridging The Gap: Why Clinical Trials Have A Diversity Problem And How To Fix It
By Peter Buchman, Forbes
According to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, up to 60% of your health is determined by your zip code. This is due to multiple factors like the wealth of a community, investment in its people and access to hospitals. [Read more]

Denver Offers Homeownership Help To Those Denied Opportunity Dy Redlining
By Brendan O'brien, Reuters
Neighborhoods to the west and north of central Denver that once appeared on maps crosshatched with red lines as a warning to lenders currently still lag in health, education, transportation and air quality metrics, according to city data. Across the country, three out of every four areas that were once redlined remain low-to-moderate income today, according to a study by the grassroots network National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [Read more]

On Our Radar

HUD Announces $10.3 Billion In Grants For Housing And Community Development Activities Across US
By U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced $10.3 billion in Fiscal Year 2022 formula grants to communities across the United States for housing and community development activities ranging from affordable housing development to public housing modernization to economic opportunities for people with low and moderate incomes. [Read more]

At Wells Fargo, A Quest To Increase Diversity Leads To Fake Job Interviews
By Emily Flitter, The New York Times
Black and female candidates are sometimes interviewed after the recipient of a job is identified, current and former employees say. [Read more]

FDIC, CFPB Target Crypto Firms That Make False Claims Of Deposit Insurance
By Claire Williams, American Banker
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. adopted a rule Tuesday that outlines its authority to prohibit individuals and organizations from making misrepresentations about deposit insurance, or misusing the FDIC’s name or logo. Following the meeting, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued an enforcement memorandum to the same end. [Read more]


A DC Hub for Nonprofits, Events and Work
For nonprofits and social sector ventures in DC: Do your work and meetings at the new Just Economy Club in DC. It’s hosted by NCRC in the historic Union Trust building at 15th and H Streets, just around the corner from The White House. [Read more]

New Learning & Training Hub
Our new learning management system is live! It is designed with you in mind, offering a more robust experience for every kind of learner. [Learn more]

Browse Our Collection of Research and Reports
We have an extensive library of research and reports that dates back many years; now available in one convenient location! [View all]

Browse Our Collection of Racial Wealth Snapshots
Over the past two years, NCRC has put together a catalog of Racial Wealth Snapshots. [View all]

Sign and Share the Just Economy Pledge
America should not only promise but deliver to all Americans opportunities to build wealth and live well. Sign the pledge and share it to help us expand the movement for a Just Economy. [Sign and Share]

Member Hub
NCRC members: Don't forget you have access to our member hubLearn more about membership here. You can join as an organization or an individual.

Fair Lending Tool
Use our interactive tool to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. [Access the tool here]

TreasureCRA Page
CRA will be essential for COVID-19 economic recovery in the communities hardest hit by the pandemic. Use the tools on this page to reach your friends and local leaders. [Read more]
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