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Dear John, Hello and happy spring! It’s been a few months since the last Divest Digest, so read on for exciting updates on divestment campaigns across the map. First of all, it’s shareholder meeting season. The CODEPINK team has been busy joining meetings to hold war profiteer CEOs accountable, despite how virtual shareholder meetings are now used to silence criticism. You can read about Danaka’s experience at the Lockheed Martin meeting here, and Shea’s experience at the General Dynamics meeting here. Divest Team UpdatesEarlier this year, CODEPINK welcomed Samantha Wherry on board as a Divest from the War Machine and Cut the Pentagon National Organizer. Samantha brings with her years of experience working alongside Colombian frontline defenders, and powerful analysis surrounding the roots and impacts of the U.S. military-industrial complex in Latin America, the U.S., and beyond. Washington D.C. Protests Northrop GrummanThis week, CODEPINK’s D.C. team and friends disrupted Northrop Grumman’s shareholder meeting to demand a just transition away from the brutal war economy. Our slogans included: War is not a ‘green’ industry and War is not a ‘sustainable’ business. Rhode IslandA mighty coalition of peace activists in Rhode Island are hard at work this legislative session to pass two historic pieces of legislation in the Rhode Island State Legislature. H.7482 will call for the Treasurer and state investment commission to identify their investments in military contractors. H.7518 will urge the federal government to pursue a broad range of measures to reduce the danger of nuclear war and to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). You can take action to pass H.7518 in the RI House by calling the House Speaker and Majority Leader with our easy tool! ChicagoThe Divest Chicago from the War Machine coalition continues to grow with 12 organizational cosponsors, and is hard at work to move their Divest from War Resolution out of the Finance Committee and into effect. If you live or work in the Chicago area, please sign this petition telling the Chicago Finance Committee to Divest from War! PhiladelphiaThe Divest Philly coalition is continuing its work to divest the city from nuclear weapons. On March 31st, the coalition held a powerful teach-in on abolishing nuclear weapons globally and locally — you can watch the recording here. St. Louis, Missouri | Chattanooga, Tennessee | Richmond, VirginiaDo you live or work in St. Louis Missouri, Chattanooga Tennessee, or Richmond Virginia? There are exciting new and growing coalitions of peace activists in these cities working to divest their communities from war. If you are interested in getting plugged into these campaigns, email [email protected]. June 18: Washington D.C.Finally, make sure to join CODEPINK and other anti-war groups in D.C. on June 18th for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington! The CODEPINK Divest from the War Machine team will be there, as well as many local divest activists — it will be a powerful chance to connect and strategize together in-person, and make our voices heard in the halls of power to demand that our government moves money to the poor, not to war. RSVP here! Towards peace, P.S. Check out this fantastic lineup of informative webinars featuring Janine Jackson, Program Director of FAIR, the media watch group, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, and more! P.P.S. We are bringing the anti-war movement to D.C. to support the Poor People's Campaign on June 18th. Join us, or send a young peace activist to D.C. by donating to our fundraiser! Also, don't forget to pick up one of CODEPINK's brand new summer t-shirts. |
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