LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
Solidarity With Korean Confederation of Trade Unions: Free Youn Taeg-Gun! Fri, May 20, 10am – 11am Embassy of the Republic of Korea, 2450 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008
Youn Taeg-gun, first vice president of the Korean Confederation Of Trade Unions, was arrested on May 4 for his leading role in a general strike last year. Join the call on President Yoon to release Youn Taeg-gun and end repression of Korean workers. Mellody Hobson Protest outside Wm. & Mary Commencement at Zable Stadium: Fri, May 20, 4:30pm – 7:00pm
Commencement speaker Mellody Hobson is the Chair of the Board of Starbucks and is overseeing massive union-busting there. Protest outside Zable Stadium: 100 Stadium Drive, Williamsburg, VA 23185 Film: OFFICE SPACE (DC LaborFest): Fri, May 20, 7pm – 9pm AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Click here for tickets. DC LABOR HISTORY WALK: Sun, May 22, 10am – 1pm
$15 per person; all proceeds benefit MWC's Community Services Agency's Emergency Assistance Fund. CLICK HERE to order. DC Labor Chorus Spring Concert (24th Annual): Sun, May 22, 4pm – 6pm
Cultural Arts Center, Montgomery College, 7995 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910 We sing for solidarity. We sing for peace. We sing for jobs. We sing for justice. We sing for joy!
Click here to get your tickets.
Film: CANE FIRE (DC LaborFest): Sun, May 22, 6pm – 8pm AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 ColesvilleRoad, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Click here for tickets. |
This week’s Your Rights to Work radio show: Does Buffalo end the “Lone Wolf” theory? Bill Fletcher, Mike Wilson and Mark Gaston Pearce on the racist attack on Black shoppers and workers in Buffalo: does the mainstreaming of the baseless “replacement theory” by the GOP finally debunk the equally specious “Lone Wolf” theory? Plus: Peter Dreier on Major League Rebels & Baseball Rebels. CLICK HERE to listen.
Union establishes fund for Buffalo workers
UFCW Local 1 has established a fund for members at the Jefferson Avenue Tops store in Buffalo, NY. Donations can be sent to Local One Relief Fund, 5911 Airport Road, Oriskany, NY 13424. “One hundred percent of the funds collected will be given to the members of the Jefferson Avenue story,” says Local 1, and a donation will be given to the family of Aaron Salter (photo), the retired Buffalo policeman and Tops security guard who “paid the ultimate price with his life, and saved countless lives with his heroic actions.”
SSN Union ratifies first contract
The members of the Scholars Strategy Network Union have ratified a collective bargaining agreement with Scholars Strategy Network (SSN) management. This agreement is the first union contract for employees of SSN, who formed a union with the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU) in August 2020. “We are proud to deliver on the priorities of our unit, and our contract reflects our commitment to fair pay, improved working conditions, and clear expectations for career progression and job duties,” said the SSN Union Bargaining Team. “We believe in the mission of SSN, and that the continued democratization of our workplace will only help us achieve our goals.” The newly ratified contract raises pay for all employees, lays out a clear career progression, improves workplace transparency and communication, and raises the salary floor. Read more here.
Tentative Agreement for ABC-Disney
A tentative agreement has been reached with ABC-Disney on a new contract. When ratified, the new contract will cover more than 3,000 daily hire and staff employees working as studio and field broadcast technicians, newswriters, producers, desk assistants, publicists, and other personnel at ABC Network news, sports and entertainment divisions, including in Washington, DC where the members are represented by NABET-CWA 31. The tentative agreement also provides for new offers of staff employment for no fewer than 35 full-time positions, with some staff hires in each ABC-Disney office.
Shoot for a Cure set for June 8
The 16th annual Shoot for a Cure – hosted by UFCW Locals 27 & 400 and sponsored by OPEIU 277/American Income – is set for Wednesday, June 8, at The Point at Pintail in Queenstown, MD. The event, which includes 100 Fun Targets, Individual Buckles, Team Plaques, Shooting Games, BBQ and a raffle, raises funds – this year’s goal is $70,000 -- for The March of Dimes to end birth defects and other childhood afflictions. Click here to download a registration flyer. More info: [email protected]
Today’s Labor Quote: Gino Renne
Renne, UFCW Local 1994 President, called former Montgomery County Executive Sidney Kramer (who died Sunday at 96):
“A fierce advocate on behalf of all working people in Montgomery County.” |
This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Blood, guts, and organizing; Last week's show: The Haymarket Martyrs Monument: Past, Present, Future.
May 20 The Railway Labor Act took effect today. It was the first federal legislation protecting workers’ rights to form unions - 1926 9,000 rubber workers strike in Akron, Ohio - 1933 May 21 Italian activists and anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, widely believed to have been framed for murder, go on trial today. They eventually are executed as part of a government campaign against dissidents – 1921 The “Little Wagner Act” is signed in Hawaii, guaranteeing pineapple and sugar workers the right to bargain collectively. After negotiations failed a successful 79-day strike shut down 33 of the territory’s 34 plantations and brought higher wages and a 40-hour week - 1945 Nearly 100,000 unionized SBC Communications Inc. workers begin a four-day strike to protest the local phone giant’s latest contract offer - 2004
Photo copyright © 2004 Debra Reid, The Daily Sparks Tribune via U-News.
May 22 Eugene V. Debs imprisoned in Woodstock, Ill. for role in Pullman strike - 1895 While white locomotive firemen on the Georgia Railroad strike, blacks who are hired as replacements are whipped and stoned -- not by the union men, but by white citizens outraged that blacks are being hired over whites. The Engineers union threatens to stop work because their members are being affected by the violence - 1909 U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson announces the goals of his Great Society social reforms: to bring “an end to poverty and racial injustice” in America - 1964 - David Prosten
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Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.