Dear John,
We hope you are having a good summer—filled with rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. Here are some new and updated resources to review during the summer months. | |
Conditions in Detention Centers at the U.S. Border
Teach high school students about the conditions in the detention facilities at the border, reflect on the impact that has on those seeking asylum and explore possible actions to address the humanitarian crisis. Download Lesson | | | |
(Updated) Table Talk: Family Separations and Detentions at the Border
This previous Table Talk on family separations at the border has been updated to include information about the current conditions in the detention facilities. Read More | | | |
Senior Pranks are Fun Until They're Not: What To Do When Pranks are Biased and Offensive
This blog explores biased and offensive senior and other “pranks,” why they are harmful to schools and students and suggestions for educators about what they can do when they happen. Read Blog | | | |
11 Ways to Keep Current on Anti-Bias Education This Summer
Summer provides the time and space to learn something new, read articles, watch webinars and review curricula that you haven’t had time to do during the school year and to connect with other educators. Read More | | |
Teaching the Holocaust, Empowering Students
Join Echoes & Reflections August Online Course to prepare to teach about the Holocaust in the new school year and earn graduate-level credit. Register Now | | | |
Anti-Bias Curriculum for Sale
Use our curriculum guides to help students explore identity, understand and appreciate differences and analyze and challenge bias. | |
Empowering Students, Challenging Bias (6-8) Purchase | | | | |