Get ready for June 18th. Only 4 weeks to go!

Dear John


Two important meetings are coming up. It's only one month until the Mass Poor Peoples and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls and DC is getting ready. We wanted to make sure you're aware of these important meetings on Saturday and Tuesday. 

  • On Saturday May 21 at 1:00pm we're meeting in-person at Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ (3845 S. Capitol St. SW). Join fellow activists for tips on mobilizing for June 18th and  to pick up materials like flyers and lawn signs.
  • On Tuesday May 24th at 6:00pm we're holding our monthly meeting by Zoom. Join us for more details about the events of June 17th and 18th and mobilizing opportunities between now and then.

See you at one or both on these important meetings. Weather permitting, we'll do some canvassing after Saturday's meeting. And there's an opportunity to join a DMV text bank right after Tuesday's call.


Fight poverty, not the poor!


Liz and Zillah,


[email protected]


P.S. Hold the date for June 18 Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly & Moral March on Washington and to the Polls. Click here to RSVP for June 18th and get more information.