Dear Friends,

In preparation for Torture Awareness Month this June, NRCAT will soon be releasing our new film, Torture in Our Name. This 35-minute documentary film by director Matthew Gossage features interviews with movement leaders with first-hand experience of solitary confinement and faith leaders from three state campaigns to end solitary – the Louisiana Stop Solitary Coalition, the New York Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement/#HALTSolitary Campaign, and New Jersey Prison Justice Watch.

Please join us for a sneak peek viewing of Torture in Our Name later this month. SIGN UP.

Torture in Our Name is a call to action for communities of faith and conscience to engage in the growing nationwide movement to end solitary confinement in U.S. prisons and jails and replace it with restorative alternatives. 

Plan now to schedule a time in June or the upcoming months to host a screening and discussion of Torture in Our Name. NRCAT will release a companion discussion guide with the film. Sign up for your sneak peek of the film.

Join us this June during Torture Awareness Month - screen a film, gather signatures on a NRCAT petition, hold a prayer vigil, hang a banner, join a social media campaign, or meet with elected officials. NRCAT has compiled a number of resources which can help you spread awareness throughout the month at For more information, contact Laura Markle Downton, NRCAT’s Director of Faith and Community Engagement, at [email protected], or call (202) 853-9009.

Please complete this brief form to let us know if your faith community will join us in one or more Torture Awareness Month activities this June. With prayer, education, and advocacy, we will make our message clear this June: “No more Torture in Our Name.”


Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
Washington, DC 20090


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