New Truth Initiative research shows tobacco companies have used major news outlets to makeover their corporate image.

Truth Initiative

May 19, 2022

How the tobacco industry uses sponsored content in major media outlets to shift public perception

New Truth Initiative research shows tobacco companies have used major news outlets, including The Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, to make over their corporate image, spending millions on ads designed to reposition them as aligned with public health despite policies many publishers have in place that prohibit tobacco-sponsored content.


Light smoker vs. heavy smoker: Are the dangers the same?

We’ve likely all heard about the health risks associated with being a heavy smoker. But is there any danger with being a light smoker? Unfortunately, yes, and the EX Program explains why.


ICYMI: Big Tobacco has morphed into Big Nicotine, learn why

Last week, the latest Truth Initiative Impact Series explored the evolution of Big Nicotine. Catch a rerun to find out what actions must be taken to protect this next generation and society from a lifetime of nicotine addiction.



This week in tobacco policy news

Los Angeles County, California – The full Ninth Circuit declined to reconsider a panel’s March decision backing the county’s ban on the sale of flavored tobacco products, declining a bid from R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and two other companies for an en banc rehearing.


Washington County, Oregon – Voters elected to uphold a ban on the sale of flavored tobacco products.


Colorado – The Senate Appropriations Committee voted down the flavored tobacco bill. The bill would have prohibited the sale of flavored tobacco products, except pipes, premium cigars, and hookah.

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