
Dear John,

We are back for this week’s Digital Drum Beat, while simultaneously heading into the final week of our mobilization tour. As we move closer to June 18, 2022 for the largest gathering of poor and low-wealth people this country has ever seen, we will continue beating our digital drums and asking you to use your social media network to let everyone know why you are going to #MeetUsinDC! 

This week, we are asking you to share the above video ahead of our Memphis stop. The history of Memphis is crucial to this movement led by and for poor and low-income people, and we want everyone to see why we are using this city as our final stop. From the prolific sanitation strike in 1968, to the musical history of Beale Street, Memphis has the movement in its’ bones and the Poor Peoples’ Campaign is proud to be about of that history.


As we finish the mobilization tour and move full speed ahead with preparations for Washington, D.C. we are committed to showing this country the power of the poor and low-wealth people on June 18. We could not do this without you and your willingness to help us bring as many people as possible to the Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls.  


Thank you for being a part of our Digital Drum Beat each week and staying up to date on all the ways we are using social media to amplify our message and keep folks excited as the summer continues. 


Forward Together, Not One Step Back, 


Rev. Dr. William Barber II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis