June conference COVID precautions updated; Now hiring; AARP carbon
pricing petition.
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CCL Weekly Briefing, May 18, 2022
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Table of Contents:
Prepare for June lobbying
Take action this week
Know our next Climate Guardian?
CCLers petition AARP
Upcoming trainings
What is lobbying? Preparing for June
CCL's June conference registration closes on May 22. But the conference
itself is only part of the fun — it's also time for our summer lobbying
Many of CCL's liaisons to congressional offices are currently scheduling
in person and virtual lobby meetings. If you're interested in lobbying
while you're in D.C., or joining a virtual lobby meeting from home,
contact your chapter leader or state coordinator. If you aren't
currently plugged in with your chapter, this is a great time to get
involved in CCL's camaraderie!
If you've never lobbied before and are wondering where to start, Amy
Bennett, Director of Congressional Liaisons and Lobby Days, recommends
taking CCL's Climate Advocate Training
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. Several members of CCL staff are also hosting training sessions to
help all volunteers learn more about primary and secondary asks
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as well as any questions that volunteers might have about the conference
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We have also put together a blog to teach you the basic ins and outs of
a CCL lobby meeting to help you feel as prepared and confident as
possible for June!
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In other news this week:
• COVID precautions at June conference: With COVID cases on the rise,
CCL will require attendees to wear masks at the conference venue. You
can read CCL's updated COVID conference protocols here
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• FOREST Act support: Members of CCL's D.C. team submitted a letter to
the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee on Forests and Climate this
week voicing CCL's support for the FOREST Act. You can read more about
the FOREST Act and other secondary asks here
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• Now hiring: CCL has several open positions available. You can view
those positions and apply here
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• Roles in a lobby meeting: With CCL's June conference fast approaching,
many CCLers will be organizing in-person lobby meetings while in D.C.
This blog will help volunteers get a better idea of the roles and
responsibilities that each volunteer plays in a lobby meeting. Read
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• West Virginia Interfaith Climate Conference: People of faith across
West Virginia will come together to discuss concerns for changing
climate. This event will be on Saturday, June 4, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
ET. All are invited. For more information, click here
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• Volunteer Spotlight — Tim Dec: May's volunteer spotlight is on Tim
Dec, a climate-conscious Republican running for California State
Assembly. Read more.
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Take action this week
If you have a little time: Like and share this tweet
CCL tweeted a news article this week about Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
(D-RI) planning to introduce a carbon border fee bill. You can see that
tweet here
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. You can see Sen. Whitehouse in person at our June conference
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, where he will be one of our keynote speakers.
If you have more time: Watch the May national call
This month's national call featured speakers Jad Daley, President and
CEO of American Forests, and Joel Pannell, the group's Vice President of
Urban Forestry. They discussed American Forests' work with tree cover in
American cities, which is often determined by income and race, and the
work their organization is doing to restore forest health across the
U.S., Mexico and Canada. You can find more information and watch the
recording here
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Find your CCL chapter
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| Check out our Action Teams
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| Browse upcoming events
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Do you know our next Climate Guardian?
We are Earth's largest force of volunteer climate lobbyists, and we are
grassroots through and through. Our lobbying efforts, our media buzz,
and our community engagement is all led by dedicated citizen lobbyist
volunteers. And the same is true of our funding. Our supporters, through
personal giving and fundraising within their networks, contribute an
astounding 70% of our funding every year.
Donations to Citizens' Climate are an investment into our bipartisan
grassroots action for practical climate solutions. These gifts help us
hire Regional Coordinators, who support our 435 chapters nationwide and
thousands of volunteer leaders. They fund the work of our on-staff
lobbyists so our preferred policies are included in high-level
conversations in D.C. These donations help inform and mobilize hundreds
of thousands constituents across the country through digital education
campaigns, too — and so much more.
In this pivotal moment, we need additional leadership donors — what we
call our Climate Guardians — to take our work to the next level. So
we're asking for your help: if you know someone personally who has the
financial capacity to make a gift of $10,000 or more, we would love the
chance to ask for their support. We can provide 1:1 training to help you
fundraise, or we can meet with the prospective donor directly after you
make an introduction for us.
If there's someone in your personal or professional network who is
interested in the environment and/or democracy, and has the financial
capacity to make a gift of $10,000+, please reach out to us at
[email protected] . Thank you!
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CCLer petitions AARP to support carbon price
The American Association of Retired Persons, or AARP, has 38 million
members who span the whole political spectrum — and the organization
officially supports putting a price on carbon. Some CCLers, organized by
volunteer Rebecca Keller, are forming a new group and circulating a
petition to encourage the organization to fully wield its power in the
fight for climate policy.
"It makes sense for AARP to be a leader in this fight. We seniors have
benefited from a stable climate for most of our lives," reads the
petition. "Now we are seeing the climate emergency take shape before our
eyes—devastating floods, wildfires, heat waves, droughts, and
climate-driven migrations on an unprecedented scale. The future will be
significantly worse if we fail to act now."
Getting AARP engaged "could be a political gamechanger," Keller says. If
you're an AARP member, read and sign the petition today.
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Upcoming trainings
5/19: June Lobby #1: Legislative Plan — Join CCL's Vice President of
Government Affairs, Dr. Danny Richter, for a training that will provide
insight on the dynamics in Congress and how we can most effectively use
our time in meetings to support our agenda. This is a recommended
training for any CCL volunteer planning on being a part of their group's
June 2022 Lobby Meeting (as well as Lobby Training #2 - CCL's June 2022
Primary & Supporting Asks). Join us!
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5/26: June Lobby #2: Primary & Supporting Asks — Join CCL's Vice
President of Government Affairs, Dr. Danny Richter, for a training that
will review the updates and context for CCL's June 2022 Primary and
Supporting Asks. Join us!
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Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer
Training, made for newer volunteers:
5/24: Conference Q&A — Are you curious about what to expect when you
attend either CCL's June Conference or virtual Lobby Days? Join Amy
Bennett, CCL's Director of Congressional Liaisons and Lobby Days, for
the first half of the call to focus on CCL's lobby days procedures and
questions. Then, for the second half, join CCL National Events Manager,
Alison Kubicsko, to review the conference details and answer related
Q&A. Join us!
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To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page
of CCL Community
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Copyright © 2020 Citizens' Climate Lobby
Our address is 1330 Orange Ave #309, Coronado, CA 92118, USA
Our Canadian Address is 435 Notre Dame Avenue, Lower Level, Sudbury ON P3C 5K6, Canada
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