DearĀ Friend,
During this time of thanks, we thank you for being Green. It is because of Maryland Green Party members, supporters, volunteers, and donors like you that our Party endures as the vanguard of Maryland's working class.
Through the end of 2019 and beyond, we look forward to advocating our values of peace, ecology, social justice, and grassroots democracy like never before. Together, we will continue to impact Maryland's political landscape and disrupt the 1%'s stranglehold on Annapolis by running candidates at the local, state, and federal levels.
Because of you, the Maryland Green Party remains a party of, for, and by the people.
Thank you!
From the members of your Maryland Green Party Coordinating Council:
Andy Ellis, Co-ChairVirginia Smith, SecretaryBrian Bittner, TreasurerBill Barry, Membership CoordinatorSteve Wollett, Membership CoordinatorMargaret Flowers, National DelegateTim Willard, National DelegateKevin Zeese, Alternate National DelegateHunt Hobbs, Alternate National DelegateJon Cook, Montgomery County Green PartyMary Rooker, Montgomery County Green PartyTheresa Alexander, Baltimore County Green PartyRenaud Brown, Baltimore County Green PartyVirginia Rodino, Howard County Green PartyCharles Shelquist, Allegany County Green PartyTed Weber, Anne Arundel County Green Party
Maryland Green Party
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