
Dear John,

Today marks 31 days from the Mass Poor People and Low Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls– and we could not be more excited. Thank you for RSVPing for this historic event! This is a movement to unite people across the country to challenge the interlocking evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the denial of healthcare and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism – and we’re glad that you’re part of it.

As the event draws closer, we want you to keep in mind some of the important logistics for your arrival and participation on June 18 in Washington, D.C.

Here are three things you can do to get started: 


1. Sign up to be a mobilizing captain! There is still time to bring your friends, family and community with you to Washington, D.C. As a mobilization captain, you will receive active updates on the latest news happening on June 18th. Sign up here:

2. Find a ride on a bus near you! Through our partnership with Rally Co., there are buses leaving across the country to get to the Mass Poor People and Low Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls. Check it out to see which one is closest to you.

3. Pay attention to the Digital Drum Beat! Each week, our national co-chairs are sending out important messages about how you can keep up the enthusiasm about the programs happening on June 18th in Washington, D.C. for your community. 

Be on the lookout for the FAQ page on the website in the coming days. We are excited for all that’s planned for this diverse, powerful movement led by poor and low-wealth people and are looking forward to seeing you and your friends on June 18. 

This is our time, this is our movement. Join us to go forward together, not one step back!

The team at Poor People’s Campaign