Team — I have some big, VERY BIG, HUGE EXCITING news: we’re launching our official end-of-year fundraising drive… TODAY!

With just 37 days left in 2019, we’re taking a huge step toward getting ready for all the exciting work we’re going to be doing next year. We need to work twice as hard, be twice as loud, and make it 100% clear that we will never stop fighting for the rights and lives of our communities across the country.

And to do it, we’re setting a goal of $100,000. That’s a big number, but we’ve done it before, and I truly believe we can do it again. Chipping in any amount — $1 or $100 — will help us get a jump start in the new year as we hit the ground running. So what do you say, friend? Can you make a donation today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We are a strong team, defiant in the face of threats against the people and communities we love and belong to. Long before Trump came into office, we’ve been fighting with every bone in our collective body to demand better for our undocumented community.

Since Trump and his Deportation Force have infested our country with their hate, we’ve led a growing coalition of multi-faceted organizations and campaigns that have held them accountable every step of the way.

We have a massive opportunity ahead of us in 2020. There will be more chances than ever to bring our fight to the national stage, to demand our representatives work for our interests and lives when our values come under attack, and to make our collective voices heard in the fight against white supremacy and all the forms it takes.

There will also be more threats to our community than ever. We’re currently waiting to hear how the Supreme Court will land on the DACA case. Donald Trump will do anything to hold on to his vice grip over our country. And long after Trump is gone, we’ll be standing up to the agencies and governments where he’s installed his cronies.

To do this work, we need resources. I’m challenging my team and everyone at UWD to dream even bigger than we have before. But the reality is that without the funds to make our work happen, those dreams never become reality. Chip in any amount today to help us dream bigger than ever in 2020.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our team is diverse, we come from all over the world and unite under the common idea that immigrants in America are humans before we’re anything else, and we deserve the rights and justice afforded to all in this country.

We have so many amazing ideas, and I know that there is much more where that comes from. Even if you’re unable to donate today, please consider asking your friends and family to chip in to United We Dream Action’s end-of-year goal of $100,000. You can forward this email with your ask at the top — it’s as simple as that.

Thanks for all you do to fuel our movement for and led by the undocumented and immigrant community. We’re stronger because you’re with us.

Greisa at United We Dream Action

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