Last week, Katie Porter told her House Democratic Caucus colleagues about a recent grocery shopping trip. There was nothing out of the ordinary, except when she was shopping she had to put a package of bacon back after realizing it was $10/pound. 

Here's why Katie's story is so important: these types of budgeting decisions are exactly what millions of families across the United States are facing — and exactly why it's so important to have representatives like Katie Porter in Congress.

Katie is doing the best she can as a working single mom in a really expensive zip code. She knows firsthand how important dealing with the rising cost of living is for working families.

We need as many women like Katie in Congress as possible, fighting to support working families by passing paid family leave, extending Child Tax Credits, and raising the minimum wage.

That's exactly what our 16 frontline Congresswomen are doing. Will you support their reelection campaigns by donating now?

Thank you!

HER Time