November 28, 2019
Latest columns
Having a grateful heart
Rev. Mark H. Creech

November 27, 2019
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

November 27, 2019
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? There are valuable lessons to be learned from the first Thanksgiving but the first grade class of Stone Bank Elementary School in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin won't be learning them. Even though no one had complained, school administrators sent the following message to disappointed parents, "Out of respect for Native Americans, and the sensitivity of this time in our history, we are not going to reenact the first Thanksgiving story."... (more)

November 27, 2019
JUDIE BROWN ? The responsorial psalm this past Sunday garnered this response from the congregation: "Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord!" What a marvelous exclamation of joy and exultation from the children of God who realize that thanksgiving is an attitude and a word of love; it is not a particular day, but rather it is every day!... (more)

November 27, 2019
By contrast, Obama's eight proclamations cited God only five times, celebrated ?autumn harvest feast?
WORLDNETDAILY ? President Trump on Wednesday issued the annual White House Thanksgiving Day proclamation, and he mentioned God in every paragraph. Which is unlike Barack Obama, who referenced God five times in his eight separate proclamations, excluding quotes from George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.... (more)

November 27, 2019
Tax document reveals popular eatery donated to anti-faith attack group
WORLDNETDAILY ? Family Research Council President Tony Perkins says it's "time for Christians to find a fast food alternative to Chick-fil-A" after a tax filing revealed the chicken sandwich chain donated $2,500 to the anti-Christian and far-left Southern Poverty Law Center.... (more)

November 27, 2019
'I want to discuss this with my constituents and my colleagues'
ART MOORE ? As he closed the final day of scheduled public impeachment hearings last Friday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff delivered a fiery speech in which he appeared determined to bring to justice an "unethical president" who considers himself "above the law" and "beyond accountability."... (more)

November 27, 2019
LIFE SITE NEWS ? Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is joining the race for his party's presidential nomination, the Democrat billionaire confirmed in an announcement this weekend. "I'm running for president to defeat Donald Trump and rebuild America," Bloomberg said in his announcement. "We cannot afford four more years of President Trump's reckless and unethical actions.... (more)

November 27, 2019
PAUL BEDARD ? Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is entering the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries because he questions the electability of others in the race, is seen by Democrats as the candidate with the least chance of beating President Trump, according to a new survey.... (more)

November 27, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW ? The latest national poll of the Democratic primary conducted by Quinnipiac shows support for Elizabeth Warren plummeting since October from 28 percent to 14 percent, while support for Biden and Buttigieg is ticking upward... (more)

November 27, 2019
NEWSMAX ? U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was released from the hospital on Sunday, the court said, after being admitted for chills and fever. "She is home and doing well," the court said in a statement.... (more)

November 26, 2019
THE BLAZE ? Reality star Kim Kardashian, wife of Christian rapper Kanye West and likely equally as famous for her in-your-face sexual style, says that her husband and her experience at the White House has emboldened her to tone down her look and dress more conservatively.... (more)

November 25, 2019
REV. MARK H. CREECH ? The Psalmist admonished, "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name" (Psalm 103:1). "The Bible is like a melodious steeple set with thanksgiving chimes," wrote Frederick F. Shannon. "The variations of the tune are many, the spirit, the tune itself, is one. Harken to the music of these scriptural bells.... To whom shall our thanksgiving be offered? Unto God, our heavenly Father. Through whom shall it be made? Why, through our Lord Jesus Christ."... (more)

November 25, 2019
CLIFF KINCAID ? The late billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's pedophilia is what has interested the media. But his own blog, which is still active even after his death, suggests what he and his fellow elites were really interested in. He called it "cutting edge science." It is how the global elites intend to manage our lives. They already claim credit for "rewriting our global culture."... (more)

November 25, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? Rep. Devin Nunes of California and other Republicans may get to call their witnesses in the House impeachment inquiry after all, thanks to a clause cited in a letter signed by nine GOP representatives.... (more)

November 25, 2019
ANDREW MCCARTHY ? Is this the tip of a scandalous iceberg? Or is it a signal that Inspector General Michael Horowitz's much anticipated report on investigative irregularities in the Trump-Russia probe will be much ado about nothing much? A low-ranking FBI lawyer altered a document that was somehow related to the Obama Justice Department's application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for a national-security surveillance warrant. The application, approved by the FISC in October 2016, targeted former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page -- an American citizen, former naval intelligence officer, and apparent FBI cooperating witness -- as a clandestine agent of Russia. Apparently, the document tampering made at least one of the application's factual assertions seem more damning than it actually was.... (more)

November 25, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? The liberal media abandoned an immigration story this past week as soon as it didn't become disadvantageous for President Donald Trump. Well, whatever. You get used to that kind of stuff in this day and age.... (more)

November 25, 2019
DAILY CALLER ? Ken Cuccinelli, the acting deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, lauded the Trump administration's Remain in Mexico program, which has sent tens of thousands of asylum seekers back across the southern border to wait.... (more)

November 25, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW ? The Hong Kong pro-democracy movement achieved a stunning victory in Sunday's district-council elections. With turnout exceeding 70 percent, close to 90 percent of the seats went to pro-democracy candidates, who took 17 of the 18 district councils. As the first electoral barometer of public sentiment since protests began in June, the results are a turning point in the conflict that has wracked Hong Kong for the last six months.... (more)

November 25, 2019
AMERICAN THINKER ? The American Thinker commenters' responses to my book review of Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose, by Physical Chemist, Spectrometrist Researcher Dr. Marcos Eberlin were, in many cases, well informed and insightful, but one extraordinary commentary was provided by Dr. Ronald Cherry of East Tennessee, who is board certified in four specialties of medicine and an energetic researcher in matters of biochemical cellular physiology and micro anatomy and physiology.... (more)

November 25, 2019
NEWSMAX ? The atomic scientists of the Manhattan Project were infiltrated by spies who fled to the Soviet Union, and the fourth one has been revealed after years of FBI secrecy, according to The New York Times.... (more)

November 24, 2019
Charges in letter to Schiff, 'You have repeatedly prevented Republicans' from examining issues
WORLDNETDAILY ? Citing a House rule and the "fairness" promised by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Republicans are demanding a day of hearings with their own witnesses in the impeachment investigation.... (more)

November 22, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? A new poll shows support for the impeachment of President Trump has declined since public hearings have started. The Emerson poll released Thursday found support for impeachment has dropped from 48% to 43% since October, while opposition to impeachment has risen from 44% to 45%.... (more)

November 22, 2019
LIFE NEWS ? Bernie Sanders urged men to become more involved in abortion advocacy Wednesday during the Democratic presidential debate in Georgia. A senator from Vermont, Sanders has a 100-percent pro-abortion voting record, including a recent vote against a bill to protect newborns from infanticide. The debate moderators asked the candidates several questions about abortion Wednesday night. Following up on comments made by fellow pro-abortion candidate Amy Klobuchar, Sanders insisted that Americans must support women by allowing them to abort their unborn babies for any reason up to birth.... (more)

November 22, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? Rapper Kanye West's visit to two Harris County jails in Houston last week drew fire from an atheist group, who claimed in a letter that his concerts for the inmates were an "egregious" violation of the Constitution.... (more)

November 20, 2019

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