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Apologies for the lateness of today's briefing, which was caused by technical issues.
Dozens of clergy and lay members of the Church of England have signed an open letter calling on bishops to oppose the decriminalisation of abortion. The
letter comes in the face of proposals by Labour and the Lib Dems.
The archbishop of Canterbury has told the BBC he is "very concerned" about the manipulation of truth in the current "febrile and excitable" political
Sunny Hundal says Britain has created an awful dynamic where self-appointed figures who claim to speak on behalf of minorities instead use them like pawns in
a game for power and influence.
A Catholic diocese preparing to open a new voluntary-aided school has accepted that 20% of pupils will initially be admitted based on where they live. This
has led to accusations that its opposition to a 50% cap on faith-based admissions was "specious".
The Muslim Council of Scotland has accused Glasgow City Council of "complete disregard for the voice of BME communities" during a consultation on the future
of a local girls' school.
New research indicates that 25% of people say relationships & sex education should not include LGBT issues, while 59% support including topics such as gender
identity and sexuality at an age-appropriate level.
United Nations investigators have so far identified 160 Islamic State militants accused of massacres of Yazidis in northern Iraq in 2014 and are building
legal cases against them, the head of the team told the UN Security Council on Tuesday.
Hungary will not participate in next year's Eurovision song contest, amid speculation the decision was taken because the competition is "too gay" for the
taste of the country's far-right government and public media bosses.
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