Nancy Pelosi and one of her dark-money groups just got caught CHEATING IN THE 2022 ELECTION, breaking the law to raise unlimited sums for the Democrats’ campaign warchest!
This is money that will be used across the nation to fund hit pieces against Republican candidates like Brian Mast.

Here’s what we know:

FIRST, the Pelosi group House Majority Forward was ruled out of compliance for failing to submit documents and was even banned from raising money.

THEN, they stopped having their donations tracked altogether, since they legally shouldn’t be accepting any in the first place.

BUT, they just got caught hosting schmoozy California fundraisers with their liberal elite donors anyway!

Pelosi is apparently ILLEGALLY raising UNLIMITED, UNTRACKED Dark $$$ for her personal missions like unseating America First war hero Brian Mast!
, forget anything you may have heard about their crappy poll numbers and how it’s going to bring the Red Wave, this illegal maneuver means our grassroots movement might be facing off against untold dark money in the fight to take back our country this year!

If Pelosi is hauling in a limitless amount of cash from Silicon Valley, Republicans could be in big trouble.

That is, unless we can make the next few months some of the best fundraising periods we’ve EVER had. If this news is true, putting in our best performance IN HISTORY is the only hope we have of helping fighters like Brian Mast save our country this year!

Please, will you help?
Thank you for acting fast,
Mast Finance Team

P.S. - If this wasn’t on your radar, other patriots you know might not have heard about Pelosi’s illegal tactics, either. Please forward them this message so we can spread the word because we know the liberal media won’t be covering this!