Peace Direct released a new report which aims to explore and understand how racism manifests in the peacebuilding sector. The report is the result of consultation with more than 160 people from 70 countries across the globe.

KnowTheChain announced that it will benchmark 185 companies in 2022-2023 from the information and communications technology, food and beverage, and apparel and footwear sectors to assess forced labor risks in their supply chains. KTC also has a revised methodology.

Reflecting on the nine year anniversary of the collapse of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre reports that labor groups are calling for brands to sign the International Accord as the health of Rana Plaza survivors continues to deteriorate over time.

This ImpactAlpha blog spotlights The Investment Integration Project (TIIP) as they reflect on their impact on system-level investing since 2015 and announce a leadership transition.

The Freedom Fund announced that it is expanding the Tariff Act Legal Fund, which provides grants to civil society organizations to gather evidence linking forced labor practices with goods imported into the U.S. Applications are open through June 10, 2022. 

​​Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Awards recently honored Global Press for their Duty of Care program. Learn more about their award-winning approach, which meets the specific needs of local women journalists, for whom extraction is not an option.

This Aviva Investors blog, featuring KnowTheChain’s Evie Clark, examines the interdependencies between people and business, what companies and investors can do to respect and protect human rights, and the crucial role of regulation.


HU’s Melanie Greenberg and Kehinde Togun joined the United States Institute of Peace to hold a timely conversation focused on justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion in peacebuilding. 


Join us at the Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development on May 23-25. HU will join Inclusive Peace on May 23 for a discussion on what youth peacebuilders can learn from global youth climate advocacy. HU will also join the Institute for State Effectiveness on May 24 for a session on bridging peace agreements and environmental and economic sustainability


A new openDemocracy series features first-person accounts from the U.S.-Mexico border, where smuggling offers children a risky way to support their families in times of need.

Transparentum is hiring a Chief Program Officer to guide their program team to achieve greater impact and influence in their efforts to strengthen the wellbeing of workers and communities.
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