Message from the President
Dr. Tasha Green Cruzat
This spring marks the one-year anniversary of Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signing into law a state Racial Impact Note Act. It provides a valuable tool for having legislators more closely examine whether proposed legislation could widen or eliminate racial and ethnic disparities that exist with respect to the subject matter of the bill.
While legislators made a few requests for such impact notes during the recently concluded spring legislative session, we are unaware of any Racial Impact Notes filed in the General Assembly. We strongly encourage legislators to make use of this statute, one of the nation’s most comprehensive, to provide the data and frame of reference that will allow all Illinois children and families to thrive.
Only a handful of states have laws regarding racial impact statements or notes. In the next year, we hope to further spread the word about Illinois’ law and encourage elected officials across the country to pass such laws in their states. Such laws hold the prospect of fostering greater opportunities for everyone.