Bhutan looks to taxis to jump-start stalled electric vehicle push

After one false start and pandemic-related delays, the Himalayan kingdom's project to put more battery-powered cars on the road is picking up speed

Poor workers bear the brunt of India's heatwave

Labourers on construction sites are falling sick due to extreme heat - but when they can't work, they lose income, which makes it hard to afford enough to eat

Chile's LGBTQ+ street artists see work defaced with homophobic slurs

In downtown Santiago, vandals have scrawled anti-LGBTQ+ insults on a new mural commemorating murdered gay man Daniel Zamudio, highlighting persistent homophobia


OPINION: Time is running out to avert yet further catastrophic famine in Yemen

Without substantive changes in approach, there is an immediate risk that wheat supplies into Yemen will not meet the minimum levels needed to prevent hundreds of thousands more people being pushed into famine.

OPINION: The AI Act: EU’s chance to regulate harmful border technologies

The AI Act will be the first regional mechanism of its kind in the world, but it needs a serious update to meaningfully address the profileration of harmful technologies tested and deployed at Europe’s borders.

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