Dedicating our DoMore24 Donations to Summer Enrichment
plus your donation doubled with a 1:1 match!

DoMore24 Supports Our Summer Growing Season 

Bouncing back from isolation and interrupted education has been challenging this year for many young people, but for those who were struggling even before the pandemic - a healthy recovery will take extra support. That's why this summer presents a unique opportunity, with your help, for Identity youth to gain lost ground and expand their horizons while connecting with friends and caring mentors.

Our young people will grow again.   

We are dedicating our DoMore24 donations to summer enrichment – supporting fun reading camps, recreation and mentoring programs, summer internships, enriching field trips and lots of time in nature.   

Please consider supporting Identity during DoMore24 – your gift will go twice as far because of a generous one-to-one match by the Cliff and Deborah White Family Foundation.

Thank you for helping inspiring young people make up lost ground by participating in DoMore24. 


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