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Wednesday, May 18th, 2022

Scott Ritter’s Switcheroo: ‘Why I Radically Changed My Overall Assessment’

Mike Whitney

Death by a Thousand Cuts: Where Is the West’s Ukraine Strategy?

Pepe Escobar

The Meaning of War in the 21st Century

Baby Formula ‘Shortage’ Fraud: Acceptance of Purposeful Harm to Infants Means the End of This Now Pathetic Society

Gary D. Barnett

Nickel: How Government Alchemists Turned a Base Money Hard and Now Are Expected to Kill It.

Mark Thornton

James O’Keefe Strikes Twitter… Senior Engineer Spills the Beans…


Media Criticized For Not Caring About Church Mass Shooting

Paul Joseph Watson

Should the United States Follow Belgium’s Lead?

Laurence M. Vance

A Visit to Venice: Masks and the Power of Covidism

Vasko Kohlmayer

WHO’s Grand Play for World Power

Martin Armstrong

NY Times Blasted For Writing Ukrainian Fighters ‘Evacuated’, Didn’t Surrender at Azovstal

Tyler Durden

Did Pfizer Commit Huge Fraud in Its Covid Vaccine Research?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Political Theatre
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