Here’s our recent episode of Shout Out Patriots:
Biden Claims Children Belong to Teachers White in the Classroom
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Perhaps more surprising than Joe Biden's claim that children
belong to teachers while in the classroom was the very little
news attention given this absurd statement.
If you missed it, on April 27, Joe Biden spoke to educators at
the 2022 Teacher of the Year ceremony when he addressed the issue
of who children belong to while at school.
"They are not somebody else's children. They're like, yours when
they're in the classroom," he told teachers.
First, it's an outrage that he referred to parents as being
nothing more than "somebody else's children."
Is the new woke label now being given to parents?
We shouldn't be surprised.
The woke left is forever coming up with new and confounding ways
to dehumanize human beings: 'Birthing people' are mothers,
'people who bleed' are menstruating women, and 'chestfeeding' is
Oh, and did you hear that Michelle Obama sent out a message
referring to women as "womxn" on Monday?
It should come as no surprise that Joe Biden wants to replace the
word "parent" with the impertinent phrase, "somebody else's
But more importantly than this battle over words is the idea that
mothers and fathers forfeit their parental rights while their
children are in the classroom.
We all know why Biden wants to transfer children into the sole
authoritative care of teachers. And it's not so teachers can
teach basic math, reading, history, or English lessons without
parents getting in their way.
It's so they can use these lesson plans to indoctrinate children
into racism and gender-bending ideology.
This view is best summed up by quoting Tim Nordin, the school
board president of Eau Claire School District in Wisconsin.
While instructing teachers never to reveal a pupil's sexual
orientation or gender identity to parents, Mr. Nordin told
"Remember, parents are not entitled to know their kid's
identities. That knowledge must be earned."
What a display of complete arrogance and disrespect for parents!
This is nonsense and explains why some school administrators want
to reduce parents to "somebody else's children."
Yes, a crowd of teachers (supported by Joe Biden) believe THEY
are the ultimate caretakers of children because schools cannot
trust parents.
A teacher at Henley Middle School in Charlottesville, VA,
expressed a similar view. When a mother objected to the school's
"anti-racism" policy that was causing her mixed-race son to think
he had no future in America because of white privilege, a teacher
told her this:
"I was told parents aren't parenting anymore, and they need to
take over," Melissa Riley said in the New York Post.
Take over???
In this episode (
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) of Shout Out Patriots, we discuss the many cases around the
nation where teachers are aggressively taunting students with
their twisted views on sexuality, race theory, and NSFW
From drag queen shows to having children snitch on their parents
to putting menstrual vending machines in boys' bathrooms, we
examine the real reasons why Biden wants kids to belong to
teachers rather than parents.
God bless!
Remember: For the best listening or viewing (
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) experience, download the episode to prevent buffering delays.
Martin Mawyer, President
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