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Progress Report
News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
PPI Statement Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the New Democrat Coalition
By Will Marshall, President of the Progressive Policy Institute
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Will Marshall, President of the Progressive Policy Institute, released the following statement celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC):
“Since 1997, the New Democrat Coalition has played an indispensable role in Congress. In the hothouse of House politics, it has been a steadying force, resisting ideological fads and extremism and keeping Democrats in touch with the essentially pragmatic American mainstream.
“The NDC’s members run and win in the most competitive places in America. They are the majority makers — Democrats can’t govern without them. At a time of rising extremism on the right and the left, New Democrats enable their party to govern from America’s pragmatic center.
“The NDC is home base for pro-growth progressives who believe that government and private enterprise must be partners for economic progress, not enemies. New Democrats champion U.S. science, innovation, and entrepreneurship, both to raise living standards at home and ensure we win today’s contest with China for economic and technological leadership. They back fiscally responsible social investment to reward work, promote social mobility, and equip working Americans with the tools they need to get ahead.
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** The Latest from PPI's Policy Experts
Paul Bledsoe, PPI's Strategic Advisor: Does a crackdown on Russian gas help or hurt the climate?
⮕ E ([link removed]) &E News ([link removed])
Ed Gresser, PPI's Vice President and Director for Trade and Global Markets: Ukraine's economy to contract by 35% this year.
⮕PPI's Trade Fact of the Week ([link removed])
Jeremiah Johnson, Policy Director of the Center for New Liberalism: What Neoliberalism Means Now
⮕ The New Bazaar Podcast ([link removed])
"The Atlantic: The Democrats' Midterm Identity Crisis, feat. "Will Marshall, PPI's Founder and President"
⮕ The Atlantic ([link removed])
Robert Popovian, PPI Senior Fellow: Pharmacist-Administered Vaccinations Should Be Here to Stay
⮕ Governing ([link removed])
⮕ Yahoo! Finance ([link removed])
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Backlash Against the U.S. Department of Education
Last week was National Charter Schools Week, and instead of celebrating the quality education that public charters provide to millions of students, the Department of Education is working to undermine the ability of these schools to function.
As hundreds of parents and students descended on Washington to make their voices heard, PPI's Reinventing America's Schools Co-Director Tressa Pankovits went to the White House to hear from some of these advocates. Tressa recaps her conversations on the latest episode of RAS Reports.
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What is Modern Neoliberalism ft. Cardiff Garcia & The New Bazaar
This week's episode is a joint episode with The New Bazaar Podcast. The New Bazaar is a podcast hosted by Cardiff Garcia (formerly of NPR's The Indicator) that discusses topics in economics, policy and politics. Cardiff interviewed Jeremiah for an episode of The New Bazaar on modern neoliberalism and asks the following questions: Where did we come from? What do we believe? Are we as bad as the critics say?
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