Your endorsement is the first step toward building a strong, grassroots movement that will not only win this important race – but also move Massachusetts forward.

Maura Healey for Governor

What do SEIU, Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund, Rep. Katherine Clark, and Rep. Jake Auchincloss all have in common?

These are just a few of the exciting endorsements Maura has picked up in the last few weeks. But we’re still missing a really important one… yours!

Earning your endorsement is a top priority for our team. It’s a key step toward building a strong, grassroots movement that will not only win this important race – but also move our state forward. Will you take 30 seconds to personally endorse Maura Healey for Governor?

Our team knows that this race won’t be easy, but it’s a challenge worth taking on. Right now, our families are struggling to keep up with rising costs of living and limited opportunities. Our environment is buckling under the weight of the climate crisis. We’re still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. And reproductive freedom is at risk.

At a time like this, we need a Governor who won’t shy away from these challenges, but someone who knows how to bring everyone together so we can face them head on – and that’s why we’re with Maura.

As the People’s Lawyer, she stood up to powerful interests like ExxonMobil and Purdue Pharma. She is working to bring justice to the people they harmed. I know she’ll take the same approach as Governor and put our families first, always – but we have to win this tough race for that to happen.

We’re going to need a strong, statewide grassroots movement, which is why we’ve set a goal to get as many endorsements as we can today. The more support we build right now, the stronger our campaign will be when we reach the election. If Maura can count on your support, will you add your name now?

Thanks for supporting Maura,

Campaign Manager
Healey for Governor