Title: Counsel Type in Federal Criminal Court Cases, 2015-18 Authors: Kelly Roberts Freeman, National Center for State Courts; Bryce Peterson, CAN Corporation; and Richard Hartley, University of Texas at San Antonio Publication date: May 2022 Award numbers: 2017-BJ-CX-K055
This third-party report was prepared by the Urban Institute for BJS to enhance understanding of the topic and to encourage discussion. It examines the role that the type of defense counsel plays in federal justice system outcomes.
BJS funded a study of the variation of counsel type across numerous measures related to case processing, legal case characteristics, and extra-legal factors, as well as the relationship between type of counsel and two critical sentencing decisions: incarceration and sentence length. The types of counsel examined include public defenders, assigned counsel, and private attorneys.
BJS funds research and reports by other organizations or individuals to foster knowledge in the criminal justice field. These third-party reports are not BJS reports and do not release official government statistics. Please see the full disclaimer for more information.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice is the principal federal agency responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating reliable statistics on crime and criminal justice in the United States. Doris J. James is the acting director.
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