Thousands Rise Up to Say: Overturn Roe? Hell No!
Episode 111 Uploaded May 15:
More than 400 cities on Saturday May 14 saw protests demanding the
Supreme Court not overturn Roe. We share some of the voices from a
protest in NYC including
Merle Hoffman, Founder/CEO Choices Women’s
Medical Center and an initiator of
Romero, Executive Director, Dominican Women’s Development Center
Elizabeth Holtzman, former U.S. Representative and District Attorney of
Sunsara Taylor, Co-Host of the RNL (Revolution Nothing
Less) Show on Youtube & a key initiator of &

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Merle Hoffman, Even though I've been through the murder of friends and lived on the front line of the abortion wars for 51 years, had death threats [crowd cheers]. 51 years, and I'm still here. [more cheers] I have been threatened with bombs, continual harassment, evicted two times. George Tiller, a good friend, was shot in the head, but we keep going. [crowd cheers] Yes, we keep going. [louder cheers] I thought there were boundaries to their rectitude, their cruelty and their ambition. How could they be so bold to think that women's lives and women's dreams are theirs to define and control?
Rosita Romero: We are NOT going back! We are not going back to the back alleys! We are not going back to the butcher shops! We support abortion here and in Latin America! We want to make sure that all religions stay out of this. We say "take your rosaries out of our coochi-choochies!" [cheers] [repeated in Spanish to wild cheers]
Elizabeth Holtzman: We are here because we demand that we be treated as full human beings under the law! [cheers] They cite judges and jurists who said we weren't in the Constitution and women have no rights. You cite people from the 16th and 17th and 18th centuries who are against women's rights period, who said women were property, that husbands could beat them, that they can rape them, that they had basically no rights. These are the people we should listen to today? [cheers]
Sunsara Taylor: We need real talk, beautiful people, because just as this shock wave of alarm is spreading, just as people are hitting the streets, there is also a louder and louder drumbeat, pushed by Democratic Party politicians and leaders tied to them, that the most realistic thing we can do is channel our energies off the streets and into the elections in the fall. [cries of NO, boos & cheers] This is something the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian, who I follow has warned about. He makes the point that our power is OUT HERE IN THE STREETS! [cheers]
Coco Das: Member of Editorial Board, Co-host of Refuse Fascism podcast, speaking Saturday in Austin TX at the RiseUp4AbortionRights protest:

Everyone: Wear and display green everywhere. Think big!
Students and youth: Walk Out of school!
Then Head Downtown To Spread The Word.
At Noon: Leave Work! Leave School! Converge in the Streets!
No Business-As-Usual!
NOW is the TIME to PUT it on the LINE to STOP the SUPREME COURT from
The Supreme Court is on track to overturn Roe v. Wade and decimate women’s fundamental right to abortion.
But this is not law—YET
Only the people can stop the Supreme Court from decimating abortion rights!
will make clear to the woman-haters on the Supreme Court and everywhere
else that if they take away the right to abortion, their society will
be prevented from functioning at all. We will NOT go back!
RefuseFascism national team
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