John, This past weekend, the Minnesota GOP gathered to endorse a slate of extreme right-wing statewide candidates, each more dangerous than the next.


This past weekend, the Minnesota GOP gathered to endorse a slate of extreme right-wing statewide candidates, each more dangerous than the next. 

Scott Jensen, the Republican endorsed candidate for Governor, has promised to ban abortion for rape victims and throw Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon in jail.

Jim Schultz, the Republican endorsed candidate for Minnesota Attorney General, is a far-right hedge-fund lawyer with no experience in a Minnesota courtroom and said he would “take a sledgehammer” to the office if elected.

Kim Crockett, the Republican endorsed candidate for Minnesota Secretary of State, has been pushing Donald Trump’s Big Lie as a leading message of her campaign and was suspended from her job in 2019 for making racist comments about Somali refugees.

Ryan Wilson, the Republican endorsed candidate for State Auditor, served as an election lawyer for Donald Trump and led a chapter of the Federalist Society, an organization working covertly to place extremist, right-wing judges in courts across America.

John, the Minnesota Republican Party is wildly out of step with our values as Minnesotans. But this is a midterm election where Democrats control the White House, and we can’t become complacent.

After the DFL State Convention this weekend, we’re going to be launching a media campaign to help our statewide candidates hit the ground running. But we need to hit our $25,000 budget target by Sunday night to fund it.

Will you chip in $10, $25, $50 (or whatever works for you today) to help us get there so we can hold every GOP candidate up and down the ballot accountable and keep Minnesota blue this November?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Heidi Kraus Kaplan
Executive Director 
Minnesota DFL

DFL Victory Club

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Your monthly sustaining contribution will help us fight for fair maps during 2022 redistricting, re-elect Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan in 2022, and turn our Minnesota legislature from purple to solid blue.