

As you know, this has been a challenging month. We had the unexpected expense of a car repair and a rental vehicle to allow us to keep canvassing across AZ-01 while our car got fixed (with a final bill of $7,380—yikes!). We had a lot of travel within the district as well as outside the state. 

We know this is a busy and challenging time for everyone as the holiday season kicks off, but in this progressive movement where we’re taking back the government for the people, we can’t afford to fall behind.

We can’t take a day off from reaching all the voters we need to win.

Because we’re committed to never accepting corporate PAC and special interest money so we can work for you, the people, we have to ask for your help once again. 

We need to order another 5,000 small hand-out cards that promote our campaign and inform voters about our priorities. 

We need just two people to give $100 each, or 20 people to give $10 each, to cover that expense. Can you be one of those people?

As you know, AZ-01 is the 10th largest district in the nation. On an average weekend of canvassing, we spend about $530 to meet voters where they are—in their communities. 

Can you pitch in $10, $15, $20, or whatever you can today to help us continue this critical outreach?

Your help today will help us meet our November fundraising goals. The more we raise today, the less we will have to ask for in the coming days and weeks, and the more time we can dedicate to outreach. 

Can we count on your help today? We wouldn’t ask unless we really needed it.

With all my thanks,


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Paid for by Eva Putzova for Congress

Eva Putzova for Congress
PO Box 677
Flagstaff, AZ 86002
United States
