America's Oldest & Largest Young Republican Club
Established 1911. Incorporated 1912. A Legacy From 1856.

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Partnership With Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend Österreich

The New York Young Republican Club and the Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend Österreich (Freedom Youth of Austria) are proud to announce the formation of a partnership between the two organizations. Together, we will promote cultural exchange between our respective members and celebrate our shared heritage—New York is home to the largest community of Austrian descent in the United States.

Founded on the principles of shared national interest, this partnership will enhance the transatlantic dialogue on and enable collaborative effort in support of key values impacting young people, including:

  • Protection of our local cultures and Western culture at large from the devastation of globalism and the subjugation of our cultures to other systems of belief
  • Ending illegal immigration undertaken with the interest of eradicating the traditional people of a land and stopping the false declarations of refugee status by economic migrants
  • Ending politically motivated lockdowns and vaccination mandates that devastate economies and cater to the interests of the most radical agents of social control

We believe that the best interests of a people are served by looking to its heritage and origin, embracing its history, and building for a future that echoes the best actions and personalities of its past.

The New York Young Republican Club is the oldest and largest Young Republican club in the United States, with a heritage dating to 1856. Today, it is the most vocal America First organization operating in the New York Metropolitan Area, and it sets the trend for innovation in young adult outreach supporting local, state, and federal political candidates.

Ring Freiheitlicher Jugend Österreich serves as the youth wing of Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (Freedom Youth of Austria) and has chapters in each Austrian state. It has launched successful media campaigns that appeal to young Austrians by building pride in the distinctive nature of their heritage.

Read on Website

NYYRC President Gavin Wax Files New Lawsuit to Void Unconstitutional New York State Assembly Districts

Today, a bipartisan group filed a new lawsuit in the Supreme Court of New York County that seeks to invalidate the New York State Assembly district lines immediately. The petitioners in the complaint are committed to good government. They include President of the New York Young Republican Club Gavin Wax, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Paul Nichols, and former New York State Senate Candidate, Gary Greenberg.  The constitutional challenge to New York State Assembly voting districts was filed by attorneys Jim Walden and Peter Devlin of Walden Macht & Haran, representing Paul Nichols, and Gary Greenberg and Aaron Foldenauer, representing Mr. Wax.  The lawsuit rests on the New York State Court of Appeals decision on April 27 that held that “the enactment of the congressional and senate maps by the legislature was procedurally unconstitutional, and the congressional map is also substantively unconstitutional as drawn with impermissible partisan purpose, leaving the state without constitutional district lines for use in the 2022 primary and general elections,” and further held that the Assembly map suffers from the same “procedural infirmity.”

To view the Court papers filed in the Supreme Court of New York County on May 15, click here.

Walden said, “We intend to prevent the Albany cabal from forcing NY voters to cast their votes based on flagrantly unconstitutional maps.”

“No one disputes that the State Assembly district lines are unconstitutional, and the court now has the opportunity to ensure that a free and fair election is held,” said Aaron Foldenauer.  “This emergency proceeding is necessary because the two establishment parties have been attempting to justify an illegal act by running out the clock.”
There is ample time for the court to get it right by redrawing the State Assembly lines and holding primary elections for state offices in August or September of this year,” said Foldenauer. 

Wax Said, “The voters deserve to choose their representatives pursuant to an independent redistricting process, as the State Constitution requires. We will not rest on our laurels and allow unconstitutional maps to stand for the next decade.” 

The lawsuit requests that the Court:

  • Invalidate unconstitutional New York State Assembly district lines.
  • Align all state and local primary election voting, including voting for state-wide offices, to occur on either August 23 or September 13, the latter of which was the time-honored primary date until 2019.
  • If the court issues an immediate injunction,  immediately appoint a special master to redraw the New York State Assembly district lines. 

We call on all New Yorkers who value good government and democratic principles to support this effort. Contributions can be made to the Litigation Fund by clicking here.

Support the Litigation Fund
See Court Papers

Almost 1,100 Members!

We are almost 1100 members!  We have seen exponential growth within the last year, but we are just getting started.  It is the unbridled enthusiasm and friendly faces of our members that keep the ULTRA MAGA Red Wave strong in New York.  For those interested in joining, the time is now
Join Today!

Board Position Available: Activism Committee Chairman

The New York Young Republican Club is on the lookout for a new Activism Committee Chairman.

The Chairman of this committee serves as a voting member of the Club’s Board of Governors. We are looking for someone with a passion for both conservative politics and a background in political campaigns, grassroots activism, non-profits, or government.

The Activism Chairperson will be responsible for attending and organizing political rallies, protests, and other grassroots initiatives.

Applicants must be a current member of the Club in good standing and be willing to commit to at least one board meeting and one Club event per month.

If you are interested in applying for this position please fill out the application form here and if you qualify we will reach out to set up an interview.

Apply Now!

Gun Range 2nd Amendment Sunday

Join us for a members-only trip to the gun range to exercise our 2nd amendment rights! Let the bullets and mullets flow!

When: Sunday, June 12

Time: 9:00AM (5:45AM for transportation)

Price: $135 (Members Only)

Location: Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays

Transportation to and from LVSC is provided to ticket purchasers.

Food provided. No refunds.

Get Tickets

Join Today!

The New York Young Republican Club brings together men and women aged 18 to 40 to discuss important policy issues, promote Republican principles and values, and help elect Republicans to office.  With hundreds of dues-paying members throughout New York City and the United States, the Club engages in politics by:

  • Promoting Republican principles.
  • Supporting campaigns through volunteerism, community outreach, and social media.
  • Networking with politicians and other influential members of the party organization.
  • Having monthly socials at New York City bars and clubs.
  • Holding monthly meetings with speakers, including candidates, authors, pundits, and more.
  • Attending fundraisers, leadership programs, and national conferences.

Show your support for your country, your party, and your city by being a part of the oldest and the largest Young Republican chapter in the nation.

Our membership includes conservatives of all backgrounds. We are dedicated to providing a welcoming environment regardless of race, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, or occupation. Benefits of membership include early registration access for events, discounts on admission fees, branded merchandise, and the ability to vote in our meetings and affect the governance of the Club. Become a member today and start networking with your fellow New York Republicans!

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Join a Committee!

During this transformative time for the New York Young Republican Club, many of you have reached out to us asking how to get more involved with the club, and how to better support our efforts.

One effective way to do this is to join a committee. We are currently looking for Vice-Chairs for many of our committees, who will receive special discounts for working events and recognition on our website. In addition to Vice Chair positions, we are looking to build all of our committees in terms of members. 

Please take a moment to review our committees here and contact any committees you are interested in joining at the email address listed on the website. You are allowed to join up to 3 committees per our Bylaws. 

To be a member of a committee you must be a member of the Club in Good Standing. 

We look forward to working with you more closely.

Join a Committee!

Join a Caucus!

The New York Young Republican Club has caucuses that advocate for representation of their respective interests in the Club and Republican Party. We invite our members to become more active in our caucuses to promote Republican ideals throughout the five boroughs and beyond.

Any group of five Voting Members of the Club may petition the Board of Governors to charter a Caucus to forward ideas, advance an issue, represent a constituency, endorse candidates, or propose resolutions.

If you wish to join a caucus, please email the caucus’s chairman or chairwoman or make a submission via the link below.

Join a Caucus!

Support the Club!

The New York Young Republican Club is a grassroots non-profit organization that relies on the generosity of members and donors to support its operations. We hope you will consider a donation today so that we remain a bastion of conservative values for many years to come!

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Established in 1911, incorporated in 1912, with a legacy from 1856, the New York Young Republican Club is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious Young Republican club in the United States. The Club is affiliated with and officially recognized by the Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs and the Young Republican National Federation, as well as the county, state, and national Republican committees.

© 2021 New York Young Republican Club

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