Hi John,

Boris Johnson has lied to us again.

He said he wasn’t going to sell our NHS to the highest bidder. But leaked documents show he’s already put our NHS on Donald Trump’s negotiating table.

Let me explain why this is a real risk to the NHS. American healthcare companies have a range of interests in our healthcare "market". They want to hike our drug prices up to approach the sky-high prices in the US, they want to change the process of how our drugs are approved to benefit themselves - and they want increasing access to our health data and our policymaking on health.

That policymaking angle is the key to erosion of the NHS as we know it. They want more industry involvement in decision-making so it's their rapacious corporations whispering in the ears of our politicians setting NHS policy, pushing aside our universities and charities focused on our patients' welfare and the public good.

Bluntly, if Boris Johnson wins this election, it could mean rapid decline of our say over our NHS. Just look at the fact that this document had to be leaked. In what universe is it in the public interest to keep these machinations secret from public knowledge and all our public institutions? Why was it hidden away?

On December 12th, we must choose. Do we want to elect (A) a Parliament that backs a People’s Vote for *us* to decide how to proceed or (B) a government that will secretly develop then hurriedly pass a Johnson-Trump Trade Deal that destroys our NHS but benefits wealthy interests?

This is urgent. Will you chip in to our campaign to help us get the message out there that the future of the NHS is on the line?

 I'll chip in £7 

 I'll chip in £25 

 I'LL CHIP IN £50 

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Thank you for your generosity.

Mike Galsworthy 

Founder of NHS For A People’s Vote

P.S. Please forward this email to as many people as possible, to spread the word about Trump and our NHS. 

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Promoted by Stuart Hand on behalf of the People’s Vote campaign (Open Britain Ltd), Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, England, SW1P 4QP.