Monday, May 16, 2022
Stop Calling Abortion Healthcare:
From an Actual Healthcare Professional
By: Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward
Editor's note: This piece was submitted to AZ Central, Fox News, The Hill, Washington Examiner, EPOCH, East Valley Tribune, AZ Business Journal, AZ Health and Living, Phoenix New Times, Yuma Sun, Mohave Daily News, and Paradise Valley Tribune. None ran the editorial...
Has the Left finally gone too far? The breach of the Supreme Court’s deliberative process is unprecedented and stunning. It appears to be a blatant attempt to sway SCOTUS Justices by using public opinion and political pressure - something that has no place in the courts. Justices should rule solely based on the Constitution and the law. Chief Justice Roberts announced an investigation - hopefully, they'll find the leaker and there will be real consequences.

We know that initial drafts of Supreme Court decisions often change before the final decision is issued. Commenting on a first draft is somewhat premature; however, the majority of Americans do not support abortion on demand, and we certainly do not support late-term abortion and infanticide that radical Democrats, even here in Arizona, have tried to shove down our throats.

In case you forgot, in February 2019, Democrats introduced House Bill 2696, which would have allowed a baby born alive after a botched abortion to be left to die in an attempt to reverse previous legislation passed in Arizona. In 2017's SB1367 required those living children to be cared for. The 2019 Arizona bill was sponsored by 13 Democratic representatives: Raquel Teran, Jennifer Jermaine, Isela Blanc, Reginald Bolding, Andres Cano, Charlene Fernandez, Randy Friese, Rosanna Gabaldón, Daniel Hernandez, Jennifer Longdon, Pam Powers-Hannley, Athena Salman, and Amish Shah.As much as I continue to pray for the end of the senseless killing of pre-born babies, this decision, if it stands as drafted, does NOT end abortion. It simply returns decisions regarding abortion back to the states where they belong. Citizens should have input via their elected
representatives - activists should not attempt to force their will on the Supreme Court through social media rants, threats, and intimidation. Mob rule is unAmerican.

In the 70s, the left sold abortion by convincing women that they were not killing babies, instead, it was simply a “clump of cells.” That babies ruined women’s lives rather than enhancing them beyond belief. They sold it politically to the country by claiming they wanted abortion to be safe, legal, and rare. In 2022, we could not be further from “safe, legal, and rare,” with more black babies aborted every year in New York than born alive. As a physician, I value life. I know that life begins at conception because my scientific background and teachings prove so. Now with technologies like ultrasound showcasing this fact, the left’s selling point of “clump of cells” has been debunked. The political lies of the second selling point of the democrats are also on full display as they have gone so far as to approve of
and demand access to late-term abortion and infanticide. These lies have resulted in over 62 million abortions in the United States since Roe v. Wade was enacted. When practicing medicine, I prioritize “first do no harm” from the Hippocratic oath all doctors pledge to. There are numerous safe, effective, and inexpensive ways to prevent pregnancy. However, using abortion as a form of birth control is repugnant, and pretending that most abortions are done due to rapeor incest when it is actually fewer than 3% is abhorrent.

I am unsure what is more appalling, using abortion as a form of birth control or the left attempting to change the definition of healthcare. Abortion is not healthcare. Abortion is murder. Someone always DIES during an abortion procedure. Last time I checked, murder is not a form of caring for someone's health. Actual doctors define healthcare as the maintenance or improvement of one’s health.

I’m thankful that President Trump appointed constitutionalists and originalists to the Supreme Court rather than judicial activists. I hope this draft stands - returning these decisions to the states - and I hope SCOTUS announces their final ruling very soon.

Dr. Kelli Ward
Republican Party of Arizona