From Ellie Smeal <[email protected]>
Subject No Matter Where You Live
Date May 16, 2022 6:46 PM
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Dear John
First, I want to personally thank you for sending those messages to your Senators. Your voice matters so much at this critical time.
Now I want to alert you to the urgent next steps we must take and enlist your help.
This week’s Senate vote makes clear if the Republicans win control of the U.S. Senate in November the reproductive rights of every woman, in every state, are on the chopping block.

Don’t think for a moment that if you live in a “blue” or safe state you don’t have to worry.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has pledged that if Republicans regain control of the Senate in the mid-terms he’ll press for a federal, nationwide ban on abortion. The reproductive rights of every woman in every state will be wiped out.

No exception for rape. No exception for incest. No exception to save the life of the woman .

The only way to fight back is to deny Republicans the power to ruin women’s lives. This means all of us doing our part to elect more Democrats to the U.S. Senate in November to not only maintain but increase Democratic control.

To prevail against the Republican anti-woman threat we only need to win in 9 Senate races to grow a pro-choice, pro-equality control of the Senate and target key swing districts to maintain a majority in the House. [[link removed]]

Now’s the time to channel our anger and concern into effective and powerful action.
Now’s also the time to count on each other. Together we can persevere.
Forget the doomsayers and naysaying of the cable pundits. Women and young people will give the Democrats a big boost in key Senate races.

• The Gender Gap is an all-time high. Usually it’s around 10%. Today it’s a WHOPPING 33%. It’s not a gender gap; it’s a GENDER CANYON.

• Young voters overwhelmingly want Democrats to control the Senate. The latest Harvard poll of voters age 18-29 shows huge preference ( 40% to 28% )for Democrats to hold control.

Key races are decided by only a few percentage points and young people will have a decisive impact.
That's why we've mounted a massive grassroots mobilization with laser-like focus on young voters. We're launching organizing and Get-Out-The-Vote teams on 51 university campuses in key states and districts.
To execute on this major mid-term organizing effort we need your help. Perhaps you can give $10 or $25 or maybe even $50. Whatever the amount your help in this early organizing stage is critical. [[link removed]]
Now’s the time to count on each other. Together we mobilized in 2018 and again in 2020 and posted major victories that made the difference in helping gain control of Congress.
Once again, we must count of each other. Together we will win.

Ellie Smeal Signature [[link removed]]
Eleanor Smeal
President, Feminist Majority
P.S. Please don’t delay in donating whatever you can. This early organizing stage is the most important. [[link removed]] Thank you. [[link removed]]

Feminist Majority
1600 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA 22209
United States
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