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These tiny bats will go extinct without our help. Tell the Fish and Wildlife Service to grant this bat endangered species protections today.


According to scientists, the northern long-eared bat will most likely go extinct unless we take significant action.1 These fuzzy, 3-inch long creatures are being wiped out by a fast-moving disease known as white-nose syndrome.

The Fish and Wildlife Service is holding a public comment period to grant these bats Endangered Species Act protections -- and it needs need to hear from you, Friend.

Tell the Fish and Wildlife Service to save the northern long-eared bat by designating it as an endangered species.

Attacking their wings, muzzles and ears, the disease is named for the fuzzy white spots that appear on infected bats.2 Once the disease takes hold, it burns up their winter fat stores and causes them to starve to death.

The northern long-eared bat can be found in 37 states across the country and up into Canada.3 Unless we protect this species and its habitat, it could disappear from this country entirely.

The disease has spread across 80% of the bats' range and could cover their entire habitat in the next three years.4 That's why we need to take action to protect these precious little creatures.

Scientists believe the disease can be carried on our clothes and shoes, so the best way to protect these bats is by keeping humans out of their habitat.5

Granting the bats Endangered Species Act protections would preserve their habitat, protecting their winter caves and the trees where they nest in the summer from logging and other industries.

These little bats need your help. Take action to protect these irreplaceable creatures.

Thank you for taking action,

Rex Wilmouth
Senior Program Director

1. John Flesher, "Fungus-ravaged bat proposed for endangered species listing," ABC News, March 22, 2022.
2. John Flesher, "Fungus-ravaged bat proposed for endangered species listing," ABC News, March 22, 2022.
3. Danielle Kaeding, "Devastated by disease, federal officials propose listing northern long-eared bat as endangered," Wisconsin Public Radio, March 24, 2022.
4. John Flesher, "Fungus-ravaged bat proposed for endangered species listing," ABC News, March 22, 2022.
5. John Flesher, "Fungus-ravaged bat proposed for endangered species listing," ABC News, March 22, 2022.

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Environment Colorado, Inc.
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